Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Moi Lascovii I Nezhnii


scandal to the municipality of Turin: "Twelve hundred drones." So the headline in La Stampa, May 15. In journalism
numbers like, are the most direct way to tell the world. They have an aura of incontestable and credibility. And when it comes to statistics are the first step to
describe a city.
So where to start to draw the Turin?
the total number of residents: 908,129. Among their most skirt the door: The Turin is 472,981 against 435,148 male population. The largest age group is the one that goes from 35 to 39 years with 77,320 subjects. The multicultural aspect of the city would not need to be told of the figures. On the streets, squares, shops,
the presence of foreigners has not gone unnoticed. And 103,795 have come from all over the world. The largest community is that of Romania, 41,159, followed at a great distance from the Moroccan North African with 16,416. In this classification about admissions, third Peruvians: 6364.
But there is another population that is particularly large in the capital of Savoy. That of trees. Turin, with over 100 thousand plants in parks and gardens, and over 60 thousand on the tree-lined avenues, is one of the greenest cities in Europe. This year the European Capital of the tree,
will host the championships in June of tree climbing. Over 15 thousand specimens of sycamore, the lime trees 10 thousand, 5 thousand of the hackberry trees, including maples 5 thousand, 4 thousand chestnut trees. The city has some 16 million square meters of parks and gardens and along the fi ume Po extends a green area of \u200b\u200babout 70 Km 30 thousand square feet of flower beds adorn the city, especially
colored purple with over 50 thousand violets decorate them, the cowslips 24 thousand and 16 thousand poppies. In spite of Turin appears to be one of the most polluted cities in Italy, according to data from Legambiente usable green areas per capita are many: 12.47 square meters against
11.54 in Milan and Rome.
And to cope with increasingly fiery summers spread around Turin there are 65 fountains
municipalities, among them the famous and historic turet, the bull-shaped fountains from which flows a continuous stream of water that once came from the Pian Mussa in the Valli di Lanzo. From green
the road. The Turin "cilmente difficult to give up the car, even for
matter of habit," says sociologist Carmen Belloni. "In the city there are two cars every 3 inhabitants," says the engineer Cianchino. Traffic jams, tail, engines roaring ahead to the 650 traffic lights that flash
crossroads, an army of 1,852 policemen working to direct traffic
. Those who surrender to the four wheels can rely on public transport. Those moving in the city are 1,400 (1,180 buses and 220 trams), one for every 650 inhabitants.
And if it rains, do not worry. On foot, in the center, you can travel more than twelve miles without fear of getting wet, dry completely, repaired from large and elegant arcades of the capital which has the largest pedestrian area in Europe, an event planning, architectural, aesthetic and socio-economic
unique in the world.
This is Turin, at the foot of the Alps, 240 meters above sea level
on 130 square miles.