Tuesday, August 5, 2008

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work enlargement of Triumphal Way is Piazza Monte Gaudio - V. Piarist: SHAME! The

us with the June 13 agenda No 7 / 08 the council of the municipality XIX was expressed unanimously in favor of suspending the work of enlarging the Triumphal Way in the stretch between Via and Via Stresa Piarist well specified with a commitment to "develop a variant during construction in order to perform the work less invasive anus GUARANTEES the quality of life in the neighborhood, limiting maintenance to be carried to the sewer system and the safety of the sidewalks and roadway, and to ensure the participation of citizens in modifications and variations that will be needed compared to the existing statement, implementing the provisions of resolution C / C No 57/2006. "
Voters Present 22 22 12 Majority Votes for 22!

17/06/2008 The commitment of the Councillor for Public Works of the City of Rome, in the presence of the local residents of St Onofrio and elementary school teacher Nazario Sauro, to suspend work considered to be all useless and harmful and, in part through a process to review the project.

Saturday, June 28, during the debate organized by Onofrio, President of the municipality xix reiterated his personal commitment to govern with the support of citizens and carry out with the same variant in a project upgrading the neighborhood! His watchwords: LISTEN, PARTICIPATE, government!
Since that day, citizens were kept in the dark and the variant and not 'heard from again!
But if the first step to enlarge the Triumphal Way in the section above - that is completed the project as originally intended, before the various promises - was to break down the trees in the street necessarily, regularly during the night between 30 and 31 July this happened: they are all the planes were cut between Via and Via Morandi Piarist!
These actions have undermined trust in institutions permanently by citizens. Someone must answer for this massacre that the livability of the neighborhood and will assume its responsibilities in front of the umpteenth "fatal accident" on the path that leads to a healthy relationship between citizens and administrators: SHAME!

Nico Simoniello