Thursday, March 19, 2009

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Time Bank

About the Bank Time
time banks are Italian, "free association of people who self-organize and share time for help, especially in small daily necessities. This is not an exchange of goods or services with a market value estimate. Banks of time are places where you retrieve lost the habits of mutual aid now typical of good neighborly relations. Or is extended to people previously unknown to the habitual support are exchanged between members of one family or groups of friends. "
The "basic rule that applies in all the banks of Time. Is the exchange."
Synonym for mutual benefit, exchange presupposes, by its very definition, that people who come into contact are active. Consequently, unlike in the Volunteers (which is based on giving aid to those in need of assistance), "the solidarity movement in BT is not a single direction. And 'mutual and equal. The time is measured in hours and exchanged the 'hour is 60 minutes for all, regardless of profession, by social class or economic conditions of individuals. " The BT
are used to meet material needs and immaterial needs. Among the former, prevalent those related to the organization of the daily life of individuals and families, among the latter, the need for companionship and to broaden the network of friends.
banks, in fact, are places to socialize, which promote also the sharing of knowledge and expertise.
The list of aid that are exchanged and measured in hours is very long. Can be divided into two main areas: first, the prevailing, is composed of minute performance that concern the conduct of everyday life (shopping, cooking, laundry, relations with public bodies, children, the elderly, leisure time together ...); the second, also very popular because it promotes socialization, the exchange of knowledge. That is, the exchange of knowledge that individuals possess. This second type of trade equates knowledge on the market (computers, languages, painting, photography ...) and knowledge out- market "in the sense that they not be attributed to economic value. It 's the case of knowledge of older people (how people lived years ago, traditional crafts, as was the city ...) and home (recipes, embroidery , lace, stretch ...).

The organization of a Time Bank
The organization of BT, with regard to exchanges of time and their accounts, is copied from real banks. For example: trade you pay by check taken from a booklet provided to each member and each member has its own bank account where the bank's office marks the credits (the time period, totaling checks deposited) and debt (the hours received, ie allowances spent).
Compared to real banks, makes it quite different to a particular BT: you do not accrue interest on deposits and even pay you when you go red, but there is a balanced budget constraint. Who retired only, with courtesy and understanding is called to return, but if it makes you smarter, more politely, shown the door.

Anyone Who benefits, and man and woman of all ages can join a Time Bank. The vast majority of the members and promoting members are women, but after the initial phase of nearly all female, there is also a good share of men who, by joining, find that they can meet the needs of a ball away from their culture. To prevail among the members persons who are employed.

in our municipality, the Time Bank is managed by the author. Ge at:
Primavalle Seniors Centre - via Jacobini 7 - tel / fax 06.6127.0230 Monday 9:00 to 11:45 and Wednesday 16:00 to 18:45
S. Maria della Pietà - pad. 30 - room 38 - tel. 06.6961.9417 mercoledì 9:30 to 13:00
and March 26 at the Institute Comprehensive DR Nails - Via Appia 15 - Thursday from 16.30 to 19.30 - Tel. 347.9392982

THE OPENING OF March 23 at 17:30