Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What Does The Cervix Mucus Tast Like

Dear Congress Circle Balduina PD 26/27 September 2009 Ignazio Marino

I want to work for something important: the construction of a party involved that does not count, but the current members, progress towards reform, gathering the change request by Italy need.

A secular party that is born from the best experiences of the socialist tradition and Catholic, to which I have always been inspired, and that protects the needs of the weakest and watch over the integrity of political behavior.

I'd love a political force that was different from that in the past two years, during which we were better at fighting to bring in our party rather than to challenge a ruling coalition at the same time ridiculous and dangerous, which is undermining the democratic foundations of our country.

E 'a few days ago on charges "internal" directed by the secretary to a regional group, the local authority of the PD of Rome, which would have been guilty of consociational and weak opposition, no longer do their job in return appointments to municipal utilities.
Accusations serious, very serious but if you say only at the stage Preconvention and more targeted at those who argue a point different from that advocated by the prosecution, generate a legitimate doubt be instrumental to the struggle of motions, all inside the PD

Meanwhile, in Calabria, the numbers go crazy:
In the province of Catanzaro, Bersani takes 180 votes, 36 Franceschini, for a total of 216 votes cast in a circle with only 162 members. A pitcher, still in Calabria: the circle has only 5 members, while voters are 36.

But this is the party that I want? This is the party that we want? This is not the
part of the current of consociativismo, or that the cards that can give impetus to the political perspective and all of us.
For we must aim high from the bottom up, looking to the area to ensure a wider involvement of citizens and associations.

We must build a new generation of leaders who take decisions clear and unambiguous, not influenced by pressure groups. Going beyond the usual "sum of the two old elites", which incorporated former divisions and preventing the emergence of new energies and skills, continuing to drag the party and contested in the status quo at the summit of the currents.

E 'for That's why two months ago, I decided to support the candidacy of Senator Ignazio Marino. A person "outside game", not stiff in the internal dynamics of party secretaries, whose candidacy is based on a very strong cultural values \u200b\u200band principles upheld without compromise.

Today, after meeting him, I listened and listened to the belief that it can truly represent the real alternative, the only real possibility for change. Because I believe in the inclusion
against any discrimination in the capacity of each made available to the collective growth.
The Democratic Party of Ignazio Marino is my party, because it enhances the merit and courage to produce innovation, because once again the fore the issue of legality and respect for the rules.

We organizational systems capable of mobilizing members. But we have a great desire to spend on politics, the noble, though, that we are passionate about because it solves problems, one that ensures all because it is not against anyone, although it is a party. What brings content sometimes leaving aside the simple strategy.
The strategy sometimes here among us in this circle, has become the central topic; an end and not half.

us leave things concrete, let's get a chance to raise through the construction of a coherent and united party that poses as a government force finally believable.
invest in a PD project rooted in society, operated in an open and plural with Ignazio Marino National Secretary and the Secretary with our regional friend Ileana Argentin, with passion and courage has always been to Rome and beyond, a point reference with regard to social policies and civil rights.


A final nod to the important work done for the Motion Marine / Argentina by some members of this circle on the issue of participation.
We think it is important to make the circles places participatory, lively, serving the neighborhoods and surrounding communities. Places of cultural integration and political discussion, proposals and scrutiny of the party and government.
So we built a document that the Motion Marine has agreed to assume as a basis for discussion, to propose to 11 October. It can be found on our website ( ).
motion in support of the candidacy of Senator. Ignazio R. Marino secretary of the Democratic Party
