Saturday, November 28, 2009

Blisters In Puggles Ears

Movement for a primary school to address public Montessori Senigallia. Report of the community center salt.

Saturday, November 28th last, at the Saline community center, was held on the third public meeting of the group of citizens asking for a first grade of primary school to address public Montessori teaching in Senigallia, in the presence of the scientific coordinator of the Opera Nazionale Montessori, Dr . Scocchera ssa Anna Maria Ferri, many concerned parents, teachers and specialists concerned with the method.
The meeting revealed that the initiative does not detract from the public school in Senigallia, but rather enriches it with another service.
regard to method, it was found that the teaching materials and the environment play a crucial role for learning, which takes place according to the inclinations and the natural instinct that every child has to learn: Pre-order method the conditions for learning can take its course according to the natural cycle of life.
In the first years of life, the child has the ability to learn at a higher rate than adults, and thus its ability to be empowered to be able to exert.
The programs are then taken according to individual routes, without sanction and pre-define the behavior of the students, with whom he establishes a relationship of trust, until it is needed the intervention of the teacher to encourage better use of teaching materials , or to overcome obstacles that may create the natural path learning.
Among the measures to be reported, some of those mothers who have requested information on how to manage home the parental relationship with their children and when they attend a school with the Montessori method. Another operation called for the start of a nest and a school for children with public or private address teaching Montessori.
On this point, it was agreed that in the home should not criticize too much, and for example do not take their children to school if there is a commitment to promote their power and no need for any increased sense of responsibility and study.
order to be a Montessori childhood home in Senigallia, the coordinator offered own personal collaboration, which was appreciated.
E 'intervened Councillor for Education Ceresoni Simon who, after having brought the greetings of the Administration announced its interest, even as parents and teachers about the objectives pursued by the group.
This interest was appreciated, but it will be put to the test of facts, when you need to make decisions, and local expertise, towards the end of the year.