Sunday, January 24, 2010

Skin Cancer Worry Ear


- Pro Cesanelli by the Committee and not only
Thanks for civic engagement of those who want to understand what will be the "Park" of Cesanelli, was published in the website: an excerpt from the documentation variant of the municipal master plan of the "Park", which is on the agenda for adoption.
Many municipalities publish online the draft resolutions and updated with documents and not with proclamations on handling the most important processes that affect the community, but this kind of transparency is lacking in Senigallia, so suffers the democratic participation of those who would like to see the cards before the adoption of the resolutions, but City can not do so, and be content of the commercials and the "Plan" of the green. But we
analysis of the proposed variant. In "Park", already reduced after the recent development of a portion of a building purposes, does not appear the school campus, but its appearance may occur after the elections, with another variant, because several members of the majority have publicly expressed the 'intention to make proposals to that effect.
Perhaps this is not the time to show that removing another piece of "Park."
Another variant, which affects, is the message that the City actually addressed to himself, for not being able to acquire all the private areas, if not 28%.
Yet the Administration had promised in 2009 to start work on the "Park".
E 'an admission of liability, that because the City had the power to execute the office of the master plan and acquire the areas, with a variation providing for the execution of office, but has not done so, in these twenty years of the implementation phase of the detailed plan for the "Park". The City is
was rather fast when it came to finding space for building expansion and to make cash, with the use of land and real estate development in areas that had been acquired for the "Park".
Nationals still owners of the areas to be divested in order to achieve the Park was also given a supply more advantageous than that which you are subject to those who have already sold their land to the Municipality.
This difference in treatment between those who survived and who did not accept the initial rules is unfair and penalizes citizens and territory, and not justified by the alleged complexity of the procedures and their supposed inadequacy.
Until now the rules are these, in a nutshell: the transfer of agricultural land to the City for the "Park" means the compensation and restitution to the private 15% of its surface, such as building, in areas to the edge of the "Park", in addition to the sale the City of areas for sub-urbanization, with the option of paying the trattanerle cd. "Monetization" to the City. An assignment
little benefit to individuals, but still better than the € 1.60 for citizens who have pending disputes with Autostrade SpA.
Expropriation is a sacrifice for all, it is said spesso.Invece promises, thanks to the variant, a discipline more favorable: the calculation of areas to be allocated to the City as an urban standards, 85% to be sold to the "Park" and the building area will be greater for private and will not be paid the "monetization".
So you unlock the acquisition of the areas, or give room for other demands of an even better?
We propose that in the absence of agreement for the sale of the Common areas, the latter shall ex officio expropriation, so that the "Park" is made in reasonable time.
We want an amendment or a comment ex art.30 lr 34/92, to be precise.
Other pieces of "Park" go away, with the variant, also close to the ditch of Justice, with new and additional buildings. The future may see
sacrificing other parts of the "Park", to reduce it to an giardino.Siamo tired of promises, and if this is the variant to achieve the "Park", we will have to wait more years, then to have a garden, such as the Peace that park is not.