Thursday, August 5, 2010

Simple Toy Boat Homemade

Thoughts loose

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Top Big Boobs On The Way

A cliche I can not stand is: justice always triumphs. False. Sometimes, from the quicksands of human filth, it turns out some evidence of misconduct, promptly other buried by mud. Who wins is always the people who have sat well protected, it does not matter, then what exactly.
While what happened could come something good, because the usual idiots will not be born.
If the filters are always those trapelerà nothing to the proper authorities. I wonder how much I care, in the end we are all condemned to death. What remains to be decided is the date of execution because the sentence has already been given. I admit I'm not ashamed and I felt a sadistic pleasure when I learned that if things remained as they were, some heads would be skipped. I was glad that those heads belonged to those whom I have always complained. So who Duty and pretended to know nothing. Whom It had its own advantage and to turn a blind eye until the gain was left with our heads in the sand. After the pay-off those heads have become uncomfortable. That's why things never change. The solution would be to pull off the guillotine and ... ZAC, many orphans were still neck and head. A trail of blood, but beneficial. Like when we attacked the leeches for bloodletting. Drastic solution, a bit 'disgusting, but a good end. The killing in war becomes lawful. In peace time he is punished and we are not in peacetime.
Too bad I already bought the chips for the performance. And do not tell me that they are evil and heartless. Try to spend thirteen years of your life waiting for things to make the right turn and the guilty pay, I assure you that you would be right to pull the rope of the guillotine. Meanwhile
aspect holidays, as ever this year I have waited with longing. I have taken the desire to feel free, no timetables, no thing to do by force, no rules I do not like to follow, no faces that are unpleasant to me to bear. And then I start my project. It will be a hole in the water for sure, but it will be a nice flop. It 's a direction that I chose this time to take personally. At the very least just a dream dies. Here are accustomed.