Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lifespan Of Chicken Pox Virus


Under the Mole playing a derby with a sweet taste. Face in the field there are formations of Juve and Taurus, but a host of gianduiotti, cremini, pralines. Gobino-Peyrano, a challenge to the last chocolate. Very much alive among fans of cocoa, chocolate faithful and true fans at heart, in line outside the store, as the entrance of the stadium. The rivalry is consumed in the network, in the whole forum goes crazy-chocolate and is recommended where to buy the best gianduiotto. "I prefer Gobino, absolutely," "The gianduiotto choice for me remains to Peyrano, with its traditional recipes without milk" are just some the post read.
To hear the parties directly concerned, competition would not exist. Indeed, alliance and cooperation. "Among companies which have marked the history of chocolate Piedmont there is mutual support," said Chiara Chiriotti, head of Quality Control Gobino. "The ideas of others are only a stimulus" echoed Mariella Maione, president Peyrano. Diplomacy reigns behind the counter. While there are niches out
affectionate and a people undecided.
The choice of a sweet tooth, often linked to the reasons of the heart, to habits lived in the family, memories, flavor. But not only. Communication strategies in recent years, the intrusion of chocolate from the world of shelves and boxes that tasting with wines and cigars, the food of the gods have a moment, a real ritual, a trend. Both have opened new premises designed as temples of taste, not as mere points vendita.Cinquant 'wedding anniversary with not much chocolate made in Peyrano, which since 2007 has ousted from the family history. "The lack of chocolate Peyrano hand is felt," they say in the circles of the leading experts in the field. For Gobino hand, is a golden moment, the 80 Guido has taken the reins and added to the laboratory via the shop on Via Lagrange Cagliari. But fashion has its price of cocoa. And the first to notice were the pockets of young people.


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