Monday, July 21, 2008

Playmobil Instruktioner

filming of "Glorious" by P. Quilter with K. Ricciarelli, director of EM Lamanna, music by C. La luna de Nonno

reproduces national tour, the comedy that debuted in the July 17, 2008 ' framework of the Festival Theatre Borgio Verezzi: "Glorious", by P. Quilter, directed and by Enrico Maria Lamanna. The story (true) by Florence Foster Jenkins, the "singer" of the American '40s, but totally denied that due to the strength of his dream (and all'ingente assets at its disposal ...) managed to achieve its ambitions and to give concrete shape to his great love for music and singing. In spite of everything and everyone ... and of itself!
E 'was a real pleasure for me to collaborate on this production with an original theme, variously covered in the course of the play, with whom I tried to express the sweetly melancholic and visionary aspect of the character and the world that was created around it. Brilliant special
dell'allestimento of Lamanna is the presence of Katia Ricciarelli in the title role.
debut in the 2008-2009 theater season is expected to Gorizia, on January 15, at the Teatro Comunale Giuseppe Verdi.


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