Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bitter Taste In Mouth From Clarithomycin


some pictures to describe the (few) access roads to fontiera:

mud due to the constant torrential rain is a constant.
IMG_4147 IMG_4144
attempts, often unsuccessful, to resolve the situation with wooden beams, ropes, horses, leaves ...
IMG_4142 IMG_4139

When military and police also run aground ...
IMG_3177 IMG_3182

The ford streams:
IMG_3148 IMG_1866
IMG_2596 IMG_2706

The horse does not has problems:
IMG_3238 IMG_3261
machine a few more ...
IMG_3264 IMG_2725

blocked with food for the refugees:
the pouring rain, children who are doing their part ....
IMG_2647 IMG_2645
... the rope this time resolve the situation:
IMG_2748 IMG_2777

keep trying:
IMG_3189 IMG_4166

wonderful experience ...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

2 Stroke Leaf Blower Troubleshooting


Montepò is a tiny community indigenous on the banks of the Putumayo River and that's where a few days ago we launched the project consisting of missions carried out by a river "Medical team flying." It is a river ambulance, a boat that will provide missions with two doctors and two nurses.
The community of the shores of the Río Putumayo and San Miguel, border rivers, are directly affected by armed conflict in Colombia.
communities have exclusive access to the river, with very little support in terms of development of access roads, utilities, and a limited state presence.
fontiera fact throughout the emergency is constant and almost non-existent public services.
for being in the middle of the border area also have security problems, there is a massive presence of refugees and the percentage of Colombians currently residing and at least forty percent.
Picture 054
In the area there are only two doctors' surgeries, often too far away and expensive to reach for the poor inhabitants of the area.
Picture 096
With this project, physicians will provide free tours to the entire population, Ecuadorian and Colombian, pausing for a whole day in each community at least once every two months and will also have a direct link with the two health promoters residents each of the same community, who are forming in the meantime by another project on issues of emergency prevention and other health issues (HIV, SSR., etc.). ..
Picture 075
A total of 28 destinations to reach a total number of beneficiaries of about 3,000 people.
Picture 106
Picture 164
Picture 121

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Can A Heart Murmur Cause Heartburn

Guayasamin (Ecuador 1919-1999)


"Yo llora porque no tenia zapatos, hasta que vi a niño que no tenia pies" (I cried because I had no shoes , until I saw a child who had no feet).

For months I had seen in the markets in the copies of works by this author, considering them to be horrible with ignorance and turning his eyes from another perte.
It took more than a year to begin to overcome this ignorance.
And yesterday, entering for the first time in a museum, I began to understand.
in his work is represented for the whole drama of the twentieth century (" el tiempo que me has Tocado vivir" ), the folly of man, and in particular the suffering of all of Latin America.

"Hay quien NACE viejo y muero de lo mismo, de su paso sin enterarse Siquier por la vida. Hay quien NACE muero y joven, joven eternally, renovador y creative. "

For those interested:
your site

Madre y Nino by Oswaldo Guayasamin

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Invent Your Own Football Helmet

away from Ecuador reported some news Italian summer, other than Olympic medals or the telenovela Alitalia

slaves in the tomato Foggia, history known for some time ....

The landing of the poor among the bathers , now that poor people are no longer news ....

could publish dozens of daily news as well.
But really we all think that the only remedy is to close the borders of their home and cast into hell if nothing had happened? I still do not believe it, and sorry if I insist.

And if these are the solutions ...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hannie Dropkicks Room

News from the Dead, dead, dead ...

It is not clear if indeed there are times when murder victims are more, or if it is only an impression due to further information received.
It is not clear whether the cases are indeed many references to the local situation.
correct information and statistics do not exist.
The impression is that there are times when the settling of accounts increases. Here they call it "limpieza", it makes a clean sweep.
Sicari, smugglers, thieves, attackers, perhaps. People common, perhaps. Most
killed with a bullet in the head, some tortured before being finished. You do not know the reasons, we do not know what they did not know anything. Only
you get used to.