Sunday, September 7, 2008

Can A Heart Murmur Cause Heartburn

Guayasamin (Ecuador 1919-1999)


"Yo llora porque no tenia zapatos, hasta que vi a niño que no tenia pies" (I cried because I had no shoes , until I saw a child who had no feet).

For months I had seen in the markets in the copies of works by this author, considering them to be horrible with ignorance and turning his eyes from another perte.
It took more than a year to begin to overcome this ignorance.
And yesterday, entering for the first time in a museum, I began to understand.
in his work is represented for the whole drama of the twentieth century (" el tiempo que me has Tocado vivir" ), the folly of man, and in particular the suffering of all of Latin America.

"Hay quien NACE viejo y muero de lo mismo, de su paso sin enterarse Siquier por la vida. Hay quien NACE muero y joven, joven eternally, renovador y creative. "

For those interested:
your site

Madre y Nino by Oswaldo Guayasamin


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