Thursday, November 13, 2008

What Is The Cost Of Yocream Per Ounce


Sooner or later it had to happen sooner or later whatever experience comes to an end sooner or later things come to an end.
And so my time in Ecuador is over.

I knew would happen, but I was not prepared. Personal reasons led me to conclude a little earlier, but maybe I was never really ready.
I wake up in the morning with a strange feeling, something is gone, missing many things.
not be there anymore, not having that heat wrap on the skin, so that climate pleasantly always the same, but happy that sun unbearable, those torrential rains from the end of the world, those smells from land border.

I remember everything, remember friends, colleagues remember, I remember the faces of all, a pleasant fellow experience.
I remember the local people, street vendors, the sculptured faces of refugees crossing the border accompanied by the ghosts of terror.

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I think of the rivers and the people who live there, the missions, the aid given to the errors committed, and those for projects to be implemented, I think the red soil of the villages battered by a unnecessary violence, the human folly, the guerrillas, armies, Ecuador and Colombia ... and I miss everything.

memory reappears in the good times, happiness and enthusiasm, hard times, despair and sadness.
jealously guards everything ready for the next departure.


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