Wednesday, December 17, 2008

About Me Ideas For Myyearbook



The demand arrest of a deputy in Basilicata, for alleged bribery linked to oil, the arrest Mayor of Pescara on suspicion of kickbacks on contracts. After the cases of Naples and Florence, on Pd the wave grows and judicial although it must be repeated as long as we await the results of the investigation before making judgments, this is the time to grab the party by the hair, before sinking . No one can think, honestly, that is a haven of the Democratic Party fixer. But there is no doubt that if the problem of corruption in the country and exploded in the critical boundary between politics and business, the Democrats showed today vulnerable and permeable Assessorile malpractice in their periphery, while the hopes and expectations accompanied the birth of the PD was different. Crackle both elements torque with which the Democratic Party presented its novelty: the morality of public policy innovation. It is difficult not to link the news coming from prosecutors with the electoral debacle in Abruzzo, and especially with the abstention of the left that has prepared, giving space only to Di Pietro, ambiguous ally-competitors. The only remedy is a tear of innovation that makes a clean sweep of old equipment and methods are even older, make the party transparent, contestable and open to really new forces in society, with the risk of the necessary parts. To do this, we need a courageous leadership and aware of the mortal danger he is running, because indulgences and delays today - when the country would need a crisis in thought and a real alternative to the political right - are worse than mistakes are sins.
(December 17, 2008)


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