Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Neck Pain Gets Worse As Day Goes

Interview with Renato Soru. Without

Voting in Sardinia. The conflict of interest. The labor of the PD. The governor launched his challenge: 'If I win I will show that you can beat Berlusconi. As Prodi has done it twice. "Interview with Renato Soru
address is always the same: Cagliari, Piazza del Carmine 22, Palace Chapel. That building of beginning '900, Art Nouveau and dark staircase that seems to be the location of a Dario Argento films, Renato Soru, the adventure began in '98 Tiscali in January was also the time: "I went to buy shelves for the first computer." Here is the Election Committee for the challenge of life: the regional elections of 15 and 16 February. "If we win, the center can be considered that the defeat is not forever. You can return to winning ways and beat Berlusconi. As Prodi twice. " It is enough to make it clear that the game is not just about Soru, Sardinia.

Why are elections?
"Everything started around the urban vote on the law: there were those who wanted to overthrow the government of the territory of these years, and those who wanted to return to the season for a consummate political blackmail. I have not been defeated from the right, but a piece of my majority. They had promised their support, then suddenly someone has passed the order and have changed their minds. We have seen the leader of the PDL through the hall of the Regional Council and confabulation with counselors of the PD. You know what I remembered? I thought of when the Prodi government fell, waved to the bologna in the Senate. A very serious thing: that vote was a final gesture. "

What is the challenge that we play now in Sardinia?

"I believe in politics and political parties, but these parties have ceased to be rooted in society, places a dense democratic participation. It fell to club leaders and Capetti. Not it is only right to return to mark a boundary between political parties and institutions. It is urgent, very urgent. "

Throughout the Democratic Party is torn Italy: investigations, arrests, reached a crisis. There is a moral issue?
"I've seen politicians who are elected with the vote with the left and right. Or do you appoint the Chairman of the list and then always have a different opinion from him, and never feel the duty to resign. If this is not moral, what is it? Politicians seeking election as a pass. There is no connection with who you voted because they represent a project. Once elected you feel entitled to do what you want. "

as you fought them?
"I presented in 2004 a government program, under which we won. And when the majority has stopped supporting me I'm gone, return it to vote of citizens. "

To his enemies, she is a domestic authoritarian, does not listen to anyone and decides on its own.
"Listen, discuss, learn, I did more than anyone, ask unions and employers. I also listen to the parties, of course. But then the responsibility of the decision is mine, my conscience guide me and the deal with voters. Who says this confuses the listener with the logic to obey those who are not institutional. " In Pd

circulating the joke: "Better to lose than to win back with Soru.

"I heard it too. So I ask the Democratic Party a strong sign of discontinuity. reapply is not who has more than two terms. And who does not recognize the program."

Even Veltroni has to break with the Mafia bosses, as you did?

"Do not let me give you advice. With Veltroni we agreed in the choice of going to vote, I really appreciated his speech at the Circus Maximus when it was evident that the people of the Democratic Party and wants to be represented there. "

Do you still believe in the project of the Democratic Party? Or, as D'Alema said, the amalgam fails?

" I'm running Secretary Regional PD, think about how much I believed ...».

It speaks to the past?

"We still believe! There is necessity and urgency of the policy. For this we need a center-left party that represents these values. The PD is a hard road, but it is a path of no return. A crossing in the desert, like Moses. During which you must drag a recognized leader that the people lost. If the people arguing not going anywhere. "

There has been some mistake?
"Maybe we should put more emphasis on the continuity with the experience of Romano Prodi and the Olive Tree. That is the most authentic roots Democratic Party: the civil society that has come close to politics. Without it, the Democratic Party is just the sum of the original parties, often with older guys who were resigned to the renewal and who found themselves again at the helm. "

And she, with such slogans will run again?
"With a program of the center well. Based on public property: land, health, education. The right wants to privatize health care, we put the budget in place and opened new hospitals, reported in Sardinia inmates with psychiatric problems. We have helped people in need of care as never happened, with over 20 thousand individual projects, from 3 thousand in 2004. They help them and their families, finally raised the costs. "

"Liberation" has dedicated an insert entitled "Yes, ajo": Obama and nuraghe. He became the idol of the radical left.
"Why these things should necessarily be left? Why should not be a moderate at heart? Once they attacked me, 'Why talk of solidarity and last? It would be better to speak of welfare '. Perhaps they consider it little reform, as one who often says it has nothing to reform. These are issues left? For me, themes are Democrats. It set us apart from the right. "

It is like Robin Hood. But in defense of its interests is second to none.

"I have resolved the question ...».

With the appointment of the trustee Racugno Gabriel, who will administer Tiscali and 'Unity'. Yet his brother Emmanuel has been for a week in dell''Unità cda ', Paolo Berlusconi as owner of the' Journal '. She also does not seem very straightforward conflict of interest ...
"There is no possible comparison between me and Berlusconi: he is prime minister and holder of a public concession that is inconsistent, controls the entire media apparatus ...».

She is in politics since 2004. Because he felt the urgency to solve this problem only now?
"In 2004 I did not feel the problem of a conflict of interest. Tiscali had regional licenses or public funding. For some time I thought enough not to intervene in my company. But I asked Guido Rossi helped write a regional law on conflict of interest. Now that law is. Not yet mandatory, but I did as if they already had. Berlusconi addresses the issue by leaving the Council of Ministers, I have removed my name from the register of shareholders, is that of trustee. The actions are totally in its availability, we are committed not to exchange information and guidelines. It is as if I made out my house and my savings to another: how many would do the same? ".

will. But the Sardinian writer Michela Murgia defines a "Berlusconi aesthetically sustainable." With the money and the same ambition to replace the old parties of the original.
"I feel Berlusconi's diametrically the opposite."

When did you first met?
"Al Quirinale years ago, during a reception for King Juan Carlos. For Sardinia has never done anything. He once told me: "I got three museums in the region: that of the cactus, prickly pear and rhododendron, when they come to see?". I replied that I would have preferred to take the tax residence from us. I also want to find time to visit a region in five years never a meeting at the home of all the Sardinians.

What will clash with Ugo Cappellacci?
"It looks like new, but it is not. He was commissioner in the junta's center that had accumulated in one year, a record deficit of one billion and 300 million euro. Do not know the Sardinia. It will be a clash Soru-Berlusconi nominees. When I won the first time, the Berlusconi government was already in crisis. Now there's triumphant Berlusconi who thinks they can take over Sardinia. "I know the Sardinians who we lovingly take care of the problems of their island." Do you know who is this sentence? Benito Mussolini, I found in the biography written by Emilio Lussu Giuseppe Fiori. Berlusconi says the same thing: I'll take. We say: no, Sardinia and to ourselves to think for themselves. "

and the advance of a future Berlusconi clash Soru-national?

"I read that made me sound like his opponent. But perhaps because he intended to replace a candidate in Sardinia.

What will change for the center-Soru if he wins?
"It breaks the idea of \u200b\u200ban ever-victorious Berlusconi. If we win the center-left has a reason to consider that the defeat is not forever. And you can return to winning ways and beat Berlusconi. As Prodi twice. "

L'Espresso January 8, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dansko Shoes Las Vegas

The courage to be indignant

I followed the broadcast of Thursday, January 15 and the tail was afraid of controversy that would follow having regard to the reaction of the "indecent" Lucia Annunziata (indecent as Speaker of the House with his statements out of place). Santoro and very touching episode as himself has made clear, nothing but the story of the facts. The facts are these today, and I repeat today: an Israeli dead, more than a thousand Palestinians. Without being infected by generalizations and hate what the Israeli army is carrying out a massacre. I am surprised that a program be accused of partisanship, but that no is raised when most of the press and television news are clearly pro-Israel. When you complain that Israel is carrying out the garbage (surely even Hamas, but this nesun you forget to say it) was immediately accused of anti-Semitism, is almost afraid to use harsh tones .. and it is enough to see how little they are doing in Europe and the U.S. .. . I like the impression to the world that there is a creeping "doormat" against the strong Israeli .. while there are more than 300 children and those who survive the bombs can not do the horror they have seen and fundamentalism ... and the extremist will always win.

First they came for the gypsies
and I was glad, for stealing.

Then they came for the Jews
and I said nothing because I was being disagreeable.

Then they came for the homosexuals,
and I was relieved, because I was annoying.

Then they came for the Communists,
and I said nothing because I was not a Communist.

One day they came for me,
and there was nobody left to protest. (B and rtolt Br and cht )