Sunday, May 10, 2009

Why Men Wear Women's Underwear


missed our wall.
After one between the U.S. and Mexico, after the one in Palestine, the Mediterranean here. Attempts
barricades, walls, steep in defense of fortresses, behind which people can continue their sad and pitiful life.
Sitting comfortably on the sofa, unable to react guiltily complicit in one of the biggest shames of our times. Politicians and exult
describe these days as historians, they are actually guilty of violations of international law and have blood on their hands for the tragic fate which has condemned the poor people.
But the Africans did not make the news, I can die, on condition that they do so away from here.
sad day, barbaric days.
And the people silent, cowardly, anesthetized by advertising.
Today I am ashamed to be Italian.


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