Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Brazilian Waxing In Victoria


Global Village. I wonder if Marshall McLuhan coined this expression in 1964 when he had imagined that Meucci's telephone would be used to follow football, or that the fledgling television and bulky, would be reduced to a flat screen and we would follow everywhere.
certainly never was more appropriate term and forward to a world where communication is an integral part of every aspect of life. The phone is the "implants" the new generations to reach anytime, anywhere. The mobile phone is no longer merely a tool to make or receive calls, but it's radio, television, internet. The present and future are the integration of different media. And not only. Today there is no longer a clear distinction between who is and who is receiving the content. Me, you, him, we can all become writers and directors of multimedia products. The only rule that counts is the interactivity.
There was once a one-way television. Once upon a time the remote control to change channels. There is now the web-tv. Television, "custom", where the viewer is formed in his image and likeness to the schedule, choose Programs, breaks through the hitherto impenetrable barrier that separated him from the broadcaster. And there's YouTube, the media phenomenon of the moment. Just a video phone or a camera and you're done: any recovery, even the most insignificant, can populate the network and be seen by anyone, according to the principle of sharing of materials.
Technological change, however, have anticipated some ethical issues. Where it begins and ends where the freedom to make Internet accessible to people of any movie? Not many months ago on the Internet circulated the images of a regrettable incident: the protagonists students at an institute in Turin who beat their fellow disabled. The fact unleashed the strong reaction of public opinion and raised the question of the legal vacuum in the network. I opposed to any form of censorship did that thanks to Youtube was possible to be aware of the act of bullying and identify those responsible. In short, new forms of communication and information open up unexplored scenarios and the need to draw the boundaries.
But beyond the privacy of content, there is the privacy of individuals, which now seems permanently affected in capitalist society. As far away and mobile Internet make us closer, at any time. Every corner of the Earth among other things, if not physically, we know thanks to the media. Side effect: no longer exists evasion. This is the price of modernity, as claimed by the writer Joseph Culicchia Turin. It 's all a deja vu.


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