Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Kohls Snowflakes Necklace


"Of course, falling in love I experienced myself. But not just me, I felt that something was missing and I did a step further, I consecrated to God. " Lorraine, 36, explains his decision to join six years ago, the Ordo virginum, a reality recognized by canon law. Virgin, while "living in the world", caste, albeit secular. A major challenge, but even more of a waiver: "The period of discernment was very long for me thirteen years - tells Lorraine - I had to deal with two realities: on one hand the deprivation of maternity, the other the loneliness, I have a degree of autonomy, but like all I need affection. " Such a radical choice can not be explained except in the light of a profound faith: "I did not know how to place, where to direct the love I felt for God 'was through a newspaper article that I knew and I was the Ordo thunderstruck. I realized that this was my path. " In 2003 it was consecrated before God, and in front of friends and relatives, because that virginum Ordo is a public choice.
Lorraine works in a tax assistance center, attended the Faculty of Law, when it can out to dinner with colleagues. A girl like many others. In the time that remains dedicated to the pastoral life and prayer. In short, a life divided between the secular and the religious.
Until now no looking back, no regrets of married life, despite living surrounded by friends and acquaintances and married with children, "Even if they are not my real family, I am fortunate to be able to stay close to them," says calmly .
Lorena is not alone in Turin to have embraced the "secular virginity." "The phenomenon is growing rapidly," said Don Paolo Ripa di Meana, vicar for the religious life of the diocese of Turin, "In our diocese are twenty-five consecrated virgins. The age is between 25 and 35. You are waiting since early this year. " Why choose
Ordo and not life in the community of nuns? "She now struggles to fit in a narrow discipline, a closed and non-innovative - Don says Ripa - The Ordo responds to her need to give themselves to God, but leaving a certain degree of autonomy." The Ordo
Virginum is something very old, even the first special form of consecration in the Church appeared. Only in 1983 was once again recognized the canonical dignity among other forms of public consecrated life. "With other consecrated virgins, about six hundred in all Italy - Lorena says - we meet once a year. Weekly instead of with those of the diocese. "


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