Sunday, April 27, 2008

Stomach Cover Clothes


Francis began by chance, with three balls. Andrea after high school he wanted to leave for Spain, but then he came here in Turin. Thomas has chosen this work because there is no boss to tell him what to do. Three boys, all in the first year of school circus Flic.
9 to 17, every day, eight hours of lessons and training. True fitness is not only indoors but also on the street. Piazza San Carlo, Piazza Castello, Via Garibaldi and corso Galileo Ferraris of traffic lights become the stage for their performances. "It may be a need to earn something, but is mostly an open air laboratory" they say, "The only drawback is the smog," jokes Thomas. They have different histories and backgrounds.
Francis, 21, is computer expert and comes from Como: "After graduation I realized that I would rather throw objects into the air that type keyboard to the computer." His specialty is juggling her dream is to join a company.
Andrea, a native of Treviso, but has 19 years, a scientific ca maturity in the drawer, "I did not like studying, I knew juggling in a youth center and I started to do shows with a friend." His first idea was to leave for Spain where there are more specialized schools, but eventually decided to stay in Italy, moving in Turin to attend Flic, which together form the center of the pole Grugliasco Italian excellence of contemporary circus. Andrea defi nes "palista: hover, climb, makes vertical stunts on a long pole.
Thomas is the largest, is 26 years old and comes from Latin. Marine engineering and was the booklet had been able to be enrolled at least ten tests. One day, the turning point and gave up his studies, he gives the mime for two years, then has the opportunity to work as a carpenter, but not for him. "I wanted to be a machine, 'says Thomas. The three balls, leclave, hat, unicycle, the vertical, has tried just about everything, until he lands the ball, which keeps a balance on their heads and which never goes anywhere. "It can play with anything, even the most simple, "says Thomas. But what is the difference, a street artist, performing in a space between the closed and open one? The most suitable size and a juggler is true for the square, with its intermittent public: "The duration of the shows you narrow - Francesco note - it is focusing on the funny side to better involve the people who make a circle." But when you're in the theater's plans are less flexible, but at the same time has more freedom in artistic experimentation. But these are not the only places, another may be the hospital where the boys volunteer wearing a bit 'of fun. With



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