Tuesday, April 29, 2008

14 Yeayear Old Anorexic

leaves on the trees

Hyperion, the tallest sequoia in the world, is their Everest. Hundred and fifteen feet of bark hanging from a rope between branches and leaves, like an eagle to gain a view of the beautiful park in Redwood, California. They are tree climbers, tree climbers. In the U.S., more and more, write books, go on television, have become real stars. As Jim Spickler, considered one of the most skilled climbers, namely a talltree climber, whose challenge is to reach the summit of the tallest trees on the planet, the video of her climbing on 'Hyperion circulating on Youtube. The tree climbing is not only an American practice. This year Turin, European Capital of the tree, it will be theater, after Amsterdam, the European Championships in tree climbing, June 20 to 22, the Valentino Park. Competitors, 50 athletes-pruners, will try out various tests that tend to simulate the different activities of the working shaft. The proof of the work, which simulate the stages pruning. The footlock, the technique uses a special lift that grip the rope between your feet. The speed climb, climbing fast on the branches. The launch of sagolino, a string with a weight tied to one end, you need to fi xed the string of cars on the hair shaft. The recovery of the injured: the contestants must climb a tree and fell to the ground dummy simulating as realistically as possible a real saving. The master, the fi nal competition which simulates an intervention work to 360 degrees. In Europe, as well as in Italy, the number of those who are new to this sport is growing. In the last ten years the Italian group of tree climbers is increased substantially and I think that will continue to do so, they are still more than three hundred, "says Sergio Ghivelder, Tree Climbing instructor since 1998," In Italy, however, the activity is still a pruning technique, while in the U.S. and lived by recreational point of view. " In essence, where the machines do not come, there is the man: "The tree climbing is not a technique that is used only on plants or monumental not be reached by aerial platforms - explains Andrea Borroni, professional tree climber, specialized in the School Agraria del Parco di Monza, but it is the only method of work in plant that can operate within the hair and not just "outside". This has the huge advantage of being able to make selections, and pruning of branches without damaging the structure and without having to settle for pruning can be reached. " To become a "tree climbers" have to follow specific courses there in actual training centers, "The tree climbers - says Ghivelder - they need to operate, as a license for all jobs that are practiced in height , as required by the law 235/03 (www.treeclimbing.it).

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Stomach Cover Clothes


Francis began by chance, with three balls. Andrea after high school he wanted to leave for Spain, but then he came here in Turin. Thomas has chosen this work because there is no boss to tell him what to do. Three boys, all in the first year of school circus Flic.
9 to 17, every day, eight hours of lessons and training. True fitness is not only indoors but also on the street. Piazza San Carlo, Piazza Castello, Via Garibaldi and corso Galileo Ferraris of traffic lights become the stage for their performances. "It may be a need to earn something, but is mostly an open air laboratory" they say, "The only drawback is the smog," jokes Thomas. They have different histories and backgrounds.
Francis, 21, is computer expert and comes from Como: "After graduation I realized that I would rather throw objects into the air that type keyboard to the computer." His specialty is juggling her dream is to join a company.
Andrea, a native of Treviso, but has 19 years, a scientific ca maturity in the drawer, "I did not like studying, I knew juggling in a youth center and I started to do shows with a friend." His first idea was to leave for Spain where there are more specialized schools, but eventually decided to stay in Italy, moving in Turin to attend Flic, which together form the center of the pole Grugliasco Italian excellence of contemporary circus. Andrea defi nes "palista: hover, climb, makes vertical stunts on a long pole.
Thomas is the largest, is 26 years old and comes from Latin. Marine engineering and was the booklet had been able to be enrolled at least ten tests. One day, the turning point and gave up his studies, he gives the mime for two years, then has the opportunity to work as a carpenter, but not for him. "I wanted to be a machine, 'says Thomas. The three balls, leclave, hat, unicycle, the vertical, has tried just about everything, until he lands the ball, which keeps a balance on their heads and which never goes anywhere. "It can play with anything, even the most simple, "says Thomas. But what is the difference, a street artist, performing in a space between the closed and open one? The most suitable size and a juggler is true for the square, with its intermittent public: "The duration of the shows you narrow - Francesco note - it is focusing on the funny side to better involve the people who make a circle." But when you're in the theater's plans are less flexible, but at the same time has more freedom in artistic experimentation. But these are not the only places, another may be the hospital where the boys volunteer wearing a bit 'of fun. With


Saturday, April 26, 2008

кимона Buy


Ponte Marconi
between rural emergencies

know of hell and bitter smile
errors yesterday
to those of today
the rest is done only
for the good of my flower

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Online Frozen Cavatelli Pasta

will not be the look of a night

the silent melancholy of abandoned two bottles of beer

mouth will be my whore of an early life that anyone who touches

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Kohls Snowflakes Necklace


"Of course, falling in love I experienced myself. But not just me, I felt that something was missing and I did a step further, I consecrated to God. " Lorraine, 36, explains his decision to join six years ago, the Ordo virginum, a reality recognized by canon law. Virgin, while "living in the world", caste, albeit secular. A major challenge, but even more of a waiver: "The period of discernment was very long for me thirteen years - tells Lorraine - I had to deal with two realities: on one hand the deprivation of maternity, the other the loneliness, I have a degree of autonomy, but like all I need affection. " Such a radical choice can not be explained except in the light of a profound faith: "I did not know how to place, where to direct the love I felt for God 'was through a newspaper article that I knew and I was the Ordo thunderstruck. I realized that this was my path. " In 2003 it was consecrated before God, and in front of friends and relatives, because that virginum Ordo is a public choice.
Lorraine works in a tax assistance center, attended the Faculty of Law, when it can out to dinner with colleagues. A girl like many others. In the time that remains dedicated to the pastoral life and prayer. In short, a life divided between the secular and the religious.
Until now no looking back, no regrets of married life, despite living surrounded by friends and acquaintances and married with children, "Even if they are not my real family, I am fortunate to be able to stay close to them," says calmly .
Lorena is not alone in Turin to have embraced the "secular virginity." "The phenomenon is growing rapidly," said Don Paolo Ripa di Meana, vicar for the religious life of the diocese of Turin, "In our diocese are twenty-five consecrated virgins. The age is between 25 and 35. You are waiting since early this year. " Why choose
Ordo and not life in the community of nuns? "She now struggles to fit in a narrow discipline, a closed and non-innovative - Don says Ripa - The Ordo responds to her need to give themselves to God, but leaving a certain degree of autonomy." The Ordo
Virginum is something very old, even the first special form of consecration in the Church appeared. Only in 1983 was once again recognized the canonical dignity among other forms of public consecrated life. "With other consecrated virgins, about six hundred in all Italy - Lorena says - we meet once a year. Weekly instead of with those of the diocese. "