Friday, April 24, 2009

Hittin' Dat White Azz

who sings out of the chorus is

of Eugenio Scalfari • 19-Apr-09
The fact that the current President of the Council at its mercy has its own private television company and the entire public company. .. shape, therefore, a situation that has no counterpart in any democracy in the world.

You can not start with the appointments to the Rai. Other newspapers minimize the air to say that you have always done so: Rai is owned by the government and therefore the government has the power to decide by passing on his instructions Obedient majority of the Board. It 's true, but basically always been the case with some differences of no small importance. The first difference is this: no government, except those led by Silvio Berlusconi, has never been available to commercial television, that is the other half of the sky television. The fact that the current President of the Council at its mercy has its own private television company and the entire public company (except the Indian Reservation Raitre will last as long) and then set up a situation that has no counterpart in any democracy in the world. I do not know whether it is true that the appointments have been decided the other night at the meeting of three hours in the home premier Roman. And 'certain is that the names proposed by the Director General Masi will be ratified without a murmur from the Board of RAI and next Wednesday will be all "families" of Berlusconi, from his private television or newspapers, or caught between its young hopefuls already in 'welcoming of the public aquarium, I tested the custodians of Berlusconi in the media circuit. There is unfortunately only one person who has never shown a glimmer of independence, a leap of professional dignity, a doubt the absolute truth preached by the Chief.
This is a scandal, this is the shame, which then little so-called independence that still exists in the Italian press is now adapting for addiction at the most expresses some low rumbling soon followed by rebukes opposition, guilty of ideologies and conservatism. The picture is bleak. The effects are visible to everyone. The control of the media not only serves to procure votes but also to transform the anthropology of a nation. And it is this transformation that barbaric our society, he de-constructed, de-politicized, fragmented, unstable emotions only sensible and insensible to the logic and rationality. Whoever disagrees is a communist. And these signatures of intellectuals or so-called accrediting this and cultural destruction that lie. So I will dedicate to ruin the predicted result of my argument.

* * * Fifteen years ago I attended the presentation of a book by Achille Occhetto the foreign press club in Rome, at that time the correspondent of a German newspaper asked me what purpose would the communists after the Communist Party had dropped to nettles its name and its ideology. I replied that the Communists had to die so their children and grandchildren to the seventh generation. Only when they were all physically extinct would have ended the controversy over them. In fact it is what has happened and is happening again and because we are still far from the seventh generation the anathema against them continues and will continue for a while. Not only is his favorite theme from our premier Bonaiuti and in turn, has also become the highlight of many beautiful minds that the shadow of transhumant passed by anti-revisionism of "Lotta Continua" and "workers' power 'to' anti-right. For them, the Communists now have become an obsession, one sees the presence everywhere, feed their nightmares and their ramblings and all the evils attributed to the communists of old, recent, current and future facing Italian politics. The Communists. The Italian Communist Party. The Italian left. Are still with us. Are by no means disappeared. They are not extinct. Were not renegades. Until this final washing Italy will not be made will be in jeopardy and with it democracy. It has borne the brunt of the latest book by Aldo Schiavone who responded to the barrage of which was targeted in an article on "Republic" a few days ago. With biting irony Schiavone asked his interlocutors: What do you want me to do? Shall I commit suicide? However, if you are content promovessi a chanting procession of penitent who walk the streets of Italy flagellation and ask for forgiveness for the sin of having been in the Communist Party? The answer is not arrived yet but it is certainly the one I had earlier in 1994 at the dawn of Berlusconi's star: You must die to the seventh generation. Dear Aldo Schiavone, there is no other atonement that it is enough to cancel your mortal sin.

* * * Of those who honor me with their friendship is Alfredo Reichlin. We have more or less the same age, we know and we estimate half a century even though our cultural experiences have been very different. He joined the Communist Party at the time of the Resistance, I'm a liberal culture and that even if I was after the death of Ugo La Malfa I have always voted for the Communist Party, then the DS and finally to the Democratic Party that is more in line with My liberal-democratic ideas. Reichlin wrote a few years ago a book with Miriam Mafai and Vittorio Foa, who has been very successful and was brought on stage by Luca Ronconi. The question that arose was that book just because a Democrat is able to become a communist and what they will do the Communists after communism has disappeared from the political scene in the world. Among the responses there is one that sums up Reichlin: The Communist Party has certainly made many mistakes, he shared an ideology wrong, he even covered some crimes, but is not actually a descent on Italy as a meteorite. The question therefore is this: because the Italian company has made possible the birth of a party like the Communist Party, to which they are entered or for which they voted and middle-class workers, craftsmen and farmers, Marxists and liberals, atheists and believers? Which at its peak has reached the quantity of the Christian Democratic votes? That Aldo Moro was associated over the years lead to the government of the country? This question deserves serious analysis. At least as serious as the other question speculate, because the Italian company has now made possible the emergence of Berlusconi and gave him a superpower that increasingly resembles a regime? With one difference between the two questions: think about the Communist Party has become over the years matter for historians, think about Berlusconi is an issue now and for damn politics and not yet history.

* * * It is said that now there is no difference between left and right. They invent new classifications, for example that between liberals, moderates, conservatives. Speeches unnecessary and quite annoying. School. Far from reality. Today's theme is the relationship between the ideals of modernity: liberty equality fraternity. I've already written on other occasions: the modern age was born of this triptych of principles and has shown signs of decline all the time that this triptych was weakened in the conscience and politics. The issue today is to reduce inequality without endangering freedom. This distinguishes left from right. We must translate into political action. We need to change the anthropology of the country. We must overcome the indifference and apathy. We must resist to build the future.
by La Repubblica April 19, 2009


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