Thursday, April 2, 2009

Who Do You Congratulate After Engagement



The community of Ancon de Sardinas (also known as Palma Real) is the last bastion of Ecuador, at the extreme limits between Colombia and Ecuador in the province of Esmeraldas (see note below).

A place to magical surrealism, without space and time. You arrive by river, by canoe for an hour and a half of San Lorenzo, the nearest town. Yet
a strategic position. A channel of communication with neighboring Colombia, a bridge for trafficking of all kinds.

By boat, by sea, arrived in Colombia in one night. And you travel with chickens, pigs, gas cylinders, furniture, clothing, gasoline white ..... and any other goods sold or comprabile on the two coasts.

The 1200 people inhabit the majority of Colombian origin, all African descendants.
There is only one elementary school that is not enough for a population with high birth rates and so many heads to be educated.
There is also a middle school. And if you want to continue studying you'll have to go to live somewhere else, because there is no high school.

People are sick with dengue and malaria. Use the river water for drinking, bathing, doing laundry, throw rubbish.

The needs of the community are numerous and the head of the school asks us to support chairs, blackboard, desk and a motor boat for the college every morning walks around the river to retrieve the pupils. A school bus water.

With the help of many, these purchases will be made.

You can follow this blog on the project.

Esmeraldas, the green earth, is a piece of Africa in Ecuador.

Infinite are the legends that tell of a galleon of slaves from black Africa and landed on the shores esmeraldegne for pure calculation error in the route ... or .... or a storm or a wreck .... will to be free ... in short, the Ecuadorians have invented!

Esmeraldas, pearl green, lying on the north coast as in an attitude of rest after the long and steep downhill race from the Andean cordillera.

Esmeraldas, from the tribal rhythms of the marimba, the Mapal, sounds and percussion of arruyos, songs to celebrate important moments, birth, marriage, death.

Esmeraldas, rich in vegetation, fish, shrimps, crabs, shells, ocean earth ... and yet the poorest in the country with the highest rate of anafalbetismo, with lower wages, with a level of service base that leaves the time that it finds.

Esmeraldas colorful, lush green it hurts the eyes, the blue of the sea mingles with the sky, the red crabs, blinding yellow the sun, ebony skin, glossy, shining, reflecting.


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