Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Final Fantasy Lightning Hair Dye

the security issue and the Mayor ALEMANNO

one year now in our city are increasing attacks, violence against women, theft ... the juvenile delinquency is growing dramatically as well as micro crimes, organized crime infiltrates the ever more widespread in our manufacturing base;

Before I read the newspapers and we indignantly. Now we are personally affected and begin to have real fear of not being able to turn safely in the streets.
seems to have become a fact "normal" carry a knife ready for use. It seems that in this city we are losing the sense of respect for his life and the lives of others.

A month ago, 'Quarter Garbatella, two guys were behind cowardly attacked, insulted and chased down the street: one of them was caught and stabbed in the leg.

Two months ago the City of Rome "forgot" - and then find a loophole of convenience to repair the seriousness of the act - to become a civil party to the proceedings for the gang rape against two Dutch nationals, which took place in August in Ponte Galeria last year during the government Alemanno! This lightness makes us reflect on the knowledge that the City has over intention to tackle the problem seriously, despite the adoption 'unanimously' that the act of committing to a civil in all cases of rape against women committed in Rome.

Last January 21 - just days before the other terrible violence committed against a minor in the park of Caffarella and a few days after what the news recalled how New Year's rape - a woman aged 41 was brutally raped in our Town Hall in the area of \u200b\u200bbeing Quartaccio Andersen.
To date we have still not given to know the culprits!
Citizens have requested several times - even with the collection of signatures - an open confrontation with President and City Council that were found with the most appropriate solutions ... But, probably, the difficulty of the problem made it impossible for this comparison, if that is not in fact ever held!

The comparison was held instead in an open council the problem with the small Roma camp in via Lombroso equipped, here behind the complex of Santa Maria della Pietà.
Our Municipality has approached it promised to the citizens of Monte Mario, who would sweep away the threat Roma - when in reality it is people rather than integrated - el'avrebbe actually moved into a new field to be set up in an unidentified area of suburb of Tragliatella.
All this, of course, unbeknownst to the inhabitants of Tragliatella, because the advice of the Executive open Millions are made where there is expected applause and not where it is feared that the whistles!!

Dear Mayor, certainly not us having to explain to that public policy should be ensured so with repression but also with the work of prevention and involvement.
seems unfortunately clear that with regard to the rapes, the right hand knows not help but speculate.
The City of Rome in recent years has opened two centers and funded anti-violence and created the International House of Women at the Good Shepherd. This is an example of practical, everyday.
But the current reality is that local police personnel without means and undersized, the police closing the Commissioner, the bats still in the garage for repair and not yet allocated money for overtime.
How do you intend to control the territory if you turn off the lights and cameras located in sensitive areas do not work?
The security is now turning to the facts and put an end to months of demagoguery fueled by the campaigns of the right, unnecessary for the public and intended only to food insecurity and fear.

With regard to decisions to be made to the problems of nomadic peoples and local residents is the case to clarify the concept of Roma camp must be overcome.
And 'necessary - starting with the relocation and redefinition of the fields - to give a tangible sign of the inclusion of the Roma populations, it is time to work for appropriate inclusion and recognition of citizenship of the Roma on Roman territory.
Children need to see the guaranteed 'opportunities to attend school and once they become adults - as already happens in many cases - have the opportunity of regular work to date condition made impossible by the lack of identity papers, despite it is, in most cases, people born in this city.

You must use the funds available to prevent spontaneous settlements that produce chaos and intolerance, not to reduce the remaining fields equipped and expand, helping to aggravate the situation and to multiply the management of pain and danger.
And the promise of an armed security outside the camps can not help but make them more ghettos, more and more away from a possible integration ...

mayor, his campaign was conducted and won an emphasis on the safety factor.
But this is the security that we promised?
With slogans and propaganda will not resolve the problems. It takes an idea and integration of companies that will stop this wave of violence because

Rome, July 6, 2009


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