Thursday, July 9, 2009

Norfloxacine And Alcohol

With the Democratic Party primary

I believe in an Italy different, I believe in the culture of merit, in solidarity, while respecting the rules, in equal rights tutti.Credo that it is necessary to leave the best energies of this country to create a peaceful and modern country, which makes road courage, ability, hope for a job with a decent wage that values \u200b\u200beach individuo.Perchè anyone can build the future with confidence, making your own sogno.Su this road we are anti, free spirit and ready to engage - without being pushed or supported by current - to finally bring in Italian politics in our country and a wave of nuovo.In particular I believe that Senator Ignazio Marino may well embody the "new" in the best sense of the word: Marino is not the person who had a history of former and having a secular vision of the state, although a Catholic, and wanting to give the proper value to merit and not the "membership", could be that turning point that so long aspettiamo.Per this reason I would urge the membership of the Democratic Party, to sign his congressualeL'iscrizione candidacy phase must be completed within July 21 and the same would be good to sign the form (which can be downloaded from the official website of the National PD) with an indication of the candidate, the signatures by July 23 for subscription and Applications must be filed. E 'was also set up a website to collect and organize volunteers to assist the Committee in support of the candidacy of Ignazio Marino.
The link is: want you can subscribe and spread ... A hug


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