Saturday, December 12, 2009

How Much Is A Tara Gold Brooch Worth

cuts to rail services, for the second-class citizens

Immediately after signing a contract with the Region of Marche service agreement attached to the liability of the railway service in the medium and long-distance, and stops existing, Trenitalia has ordered the cutting of important stops, which will worsen the service for commuters and users. v.
Rail transport is not liberalized in Trenitalia Marche in the sense that, not only is the only operator, and benefits from state and regional contributions while applying a charging system is not free, but regulated.
management service contracts with the operator responsible for the region, after decentralization made pursuant to Legislative Decree 422/97 and Decree 400/99.
In general, failure to meet service contracts may require application of penalties corresponding to the deduction of allowances for contributions.
In the Marches, the events did not lead to unite the political forces in order to seek equal status with other regions, which can boast of high speed and greater investment in infrastructure, in relation to the population and the territory served. The crisis
penalizes investment, but not strong in the regions (of the weakness of the other).
investment for high-speed trains in recent years have been huge, and went to the benefit of the stronger regions, such as political influence, which is situated on the Tyrrhenian Sea.
To understand the magnitude of the sums invested, see a study published in the site summary:
There are no comments.
To see how the high-speed network "forgets" this map is useful Brands:
To see how the brands will benefit from lower investment, to strengthen the network, simply by reading the published program at:
the Marches is always served on the empty plate of politics, the chorus of the small region, with few users, which in the logic of the free market must make sacrifices to get to balance between costs and revenues. But what free market?
the ratio of network, territory, population one hand, and economic resources invested in the other, leaving the Marches penalized, and to get an idea just read the numbers in the investment plans for the TAV network and for the ordinary network.
There are companies that are competing in public transport by rail in the Marches, but there are impressive figures and investments in other parts of Italy, mainly.
To defend a stop in Senigallia, Jesi or, just have the return of a thousandth of the difference that separates us from the TAV, and this policy promoted by other regions that make us become citizens of series B.
why our politicians, instead of attacking each other, they should ask for the bill to their national contact points in each party, because each party has just heard of contact Marche. Not just because even heard
united when it comes to making requests peremptory for the good of all without exploitation.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Velveeta Rotel Chicken Pasta Recipe

The yellow derivatives purchased by the City

- Concrete

to worry, no one will know enough to make a complete analysis, the administrative and accounting procedures.
Derivative financial instruments for which the municipality had an observation by the Court of Auditors, will remain a mysterious object, which you will not know enough to write about it.
The Administration has reassured with a virtual pat on the shoulder, the citizens who had expressed a desire to get to know the facts, not polemics, but to understand.
Ultimately, no risk in Senigallia, for derivative contracts entered into by the City, which is not represent, in this case, risky speculative instruments, unlike what happened in other municipalities. This is the message. Believe it or leave it (losing).
Before pulling the final sigh of relief, I note that unfortunately was not able to understand in detail what we're talking about, or rather what it is, despite the request for clarification has been made and the answer seems clear. Many details are lacking, however.
unknown, despite requests, and the research done on the internet and on budget, will remain the decision or determination with which it was decided to arrange the final contract for derivatives.
Also, from what little is known, may have been contracted "Interest rate cap" or keeping your mortgage, which is a fixed-rate loan at a floating rate until the Euribor to the threshold of the fixed rate or a different threshold. This "insurance" is paid in installments over six-monthly installments (if it is at 0.34% to indent the City for the first six-monthly installment paid for insurance an amount of approximately € 3,000.00).
When it is claimed that the resulting overall rate (ie the floating rate of the loan plus the rate of the derivative) was lower than the rate fixed by the bank asked for the loan, it is noted that this comparison may not be complete and useful for us to understand the risk or whether the municipality will in the end we won, because in periods of rising rates (2006) is normal that the Euribor is lower than the fixed rate. We should know if the mortgage or mortgages to be made safe for 5 years, as the derivative, or longer.
Nobody will know in depth the story, and Brancoleria in the dark, until the public is not allowed to know everything I want to know and to participate more.
There are two possibilities: Drink whole or criticize without basis for doing so.
In both cases, the player who takes the bench.
Exercising the constructive criticism is impossible, if there are any data.
Congratulations to those who take the bench.
For now.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What Does Agranite Tombstone Cost

Care and

On 28 April last year for the deployment
which I had proposed to continue my job of municipal councilor
- started two years before in the civil list for Veltroni -
lost a runoff for the government of the City of Rome and the Municipality
I was out for two preferences, but then
and with the help of some friends, I began to realize that that was done only for
obvious irregularities.

Since then, a year-long judicial process
ended - until the beginning of last October
- with the acceptance of the application to the Administrative Court and a ruling
executive who saw me on the preferences prevail per19 counterpart,
declared elected in his stead.

Today, December 1,
with unanimity by the City Council and the congratulations of several
majority of the directors -
with whom I have ever had the pleasure of fighting, but also in maximum
respect of roles and political positions taken - are to be returned
Councillor Hall 19.

I want to thank all the people who
I have been close this year and a half in which
I never lived my exclusion as a political defeat personal
but always as an injustice against those who had decided to choose me over
while other viable choices.

I never stopped doing politics in the territory - on 25 October, a little surprisingly,
are also among the delegates elected to the Assembly's Regional PD -
and continue to do so aware that the trust should not be betrayed.

I will try my best. A hug to all
