Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Can You Get Medical Marijuana For Tendonitis

The trunk in the attic

Ssh! Silence, are being creative. I had a few days of discouragement. There were no original ideas of cloning and I did not want. So, why should I repeat (and also bad) things I see around when I put my? So tonight the need to buy (I say partly because I do not have enough time to buy everything) and I will get to work.
pity that time is a tyrant and I spend the most in this square of bricks, with the desk attached to the window and back to the wall like a gecko. And wasted talking about things that do not interest me for anything less than anything you can say is the advantage. The head, however, I have imagined in my attic. That where I go in the evening when your imagination free and open wide the trunk and then we find old things and new things, those I accingerò to create. Ideas are not always beautiful, but there's nothing more humiliating to want to do and do not know what.
I do not know what is really putting his head. And maybe you better not ask me. I only infected friend who took the ball and as it is more sure of myself I think that will burn the stages.
Patience. I, after all, are those who like to stay behind the scenes. Or in the attic, among cobwebs old rocking chairs, boxes and chests overflowing with old dreams and new dreams.


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