Friday, December 31, 2010

Putting Cheats On Gpsphone No Computer

aging time in quickly

I seem to play the hangman game. Standing on the stool, the rope around his neck and a single point from play. The stool goes away if I'm wrong and I was left hanging from the tree. Another year has flown by, but is it really so significant this year old? Scan the passage of time is really necessary? Would it matter if the time spent in a single solution? You are born, grow, die. Fine.
This need to shape the time is exhausting when you're young, because time seems to pass ever and so is large because we realize that the aging time in quickly. Nothing is eternal. I am not feeling, is not life and are not situations. It would be better if I turn into a mineral. It is not forever, but live longer, without emotions or shocks that could disturb him. A little 'what I call "I stand by the window." Observe the people live, but you're taking cover behind the glass.
From behind the window you can see many things. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I have to look out the window of my office. The building opposite has been whitened, but lives in are always the same. What a bore.
I met an English girl who chose to live here. I wonder why. He had a globe of choices. Not shortage of money and opportunity. He chose this place infamous. I'd like to see the city through the eyes of this girl. I could find the gems? Or I would see as it is and it's only a matter of taste?
do not know, while I adapted to close the year too. I do not want the contrarian though, to put it as Gucci .... not bind myself to this group, black sheep die!
I close the last post of the year by not listing the good intentions for the new year that much, can not keep. Sentence of Oscar Wilde was never more true .... And I do not consider myself weak person.
Good intentions are useless attempts to interfere with scientific laws. They come from pure vanity. The result is nothing at all. Every now and give us one of those tailings and voluptuous emotions that have a certain charm on weak people. That's it. They are nothing but bad checks.


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