Thursday, December 23, 2010

Foot Arch Pain From Ice Skating

clouds yesterday on our future Odierno (routine) - Elio e le Storie Tese

Yes, we approach the Christmas Eve dinner. What you look at the plates decorated Christmas theme and beautiful until you leave the horrid food Squirting not ruin them.
you would like to eat Dinner with lighted candles, a background of Christmas music, Christmas trees and glittering in perfect harmony instead is a step by step of food, cries of spoiled children and older people uneducated.
Finally there are the gifts. Those who, traditionally, should appear under the tree on the morning of December 25 and, conversely, are opened punctually at eight in the evening of Dec. 24 to make the children feel good.
to my house and left alone for a child who is eight, but then you add a couple of adults who are no different. Scratch away at the event and I have panic attacks. We hope that at least this year, remember to make good wishes. But really I want so much then?
Every year I have to endure what you holds out his hand soft and sticky. What do you pop two kisses on the cheeks and a pound of saliva. What you are confusing our mind because of gallons of perfume. What makes the care of garlic. Fortunately, there is what baceresti happy not only at Christmas, but also to St. Stephen, New Year, Epiphany, and every day that God grants you, over and under the mistletoe, front, back and also inside the fireplace!
But most of all, I hate those who do not kiss your cheek direct the mouth, full of burgundy lipstick on the collar of his shirt. In this case we must be ready and drop a few inches back arching his back. It seems a complicated gymnastics, but it is not. We must, however, be fast and well coordinated movements. Otherwise you risk that the nose is smeared on the humerus, as a brooch, or even worse, in the chest, risking the effect Sacred Heart of Jesus
Luckily I grew up, because when I was a child, a relative of mine was torturing me biting my cheeks. What hurts .... And that sucks ... especially. Yuck! These are serious injuries. Mica to joke about. And they say they are unfriendly. Try to spend decades at the mercy of people like that and then I just want to see if you still want to even a small physical approach to the relationship.


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