Thursday, September 23, 2010

Manga With Deep Throat


Who says when you touch the bottom you can not help but go back? Maybe it depends on how you hit the ground. If you go down slowly, slowly, you have the bones hi, if you stay where you are come down suddenly.
I'm trying to roll up our sleeves and as everyone who has many projects in mind and little time and money to implement them, are sometimes taken by moments of discouragement. I feel failure, inept, useless, a loser. Soon after I realize that it is only a problem of low self-esteem.
A friend of mine, or alleged, suggested I go to a psychotherapist. He says it's a holy hand for the soul. I do not know. Meanwhile, it costs a damn. Again, money is the pivot on which the world works. It's not that then I can see us in front of someone blathering. I open my appearance before that year and that most people never will. It is nice to know that you hear just because you pay. And perhaps the only reason he does it.
I realized that almost everyone is talking about themselves, but not in the least interested in knowing about you. All eager to tell their own life. I'm not a counselor, do not pay me to listen and then sometimes I could break the boxes.
to write on this blog. I vent, launch anathemas vomiting during the day the things that I have to swallow. I do it for free and in the end, maybe I'll get to the same conclusion to which I would go if I went to a psychotherapist.
I, the history of the people who do not believe it themselves a lot. I believe that it serves always and necessarily a basic scaffold. Then, perhaps, is the blockhead that'll do a spider hole and some people are smart enough to build something.
My scaffold is weak as the foundation of my house. Or rather, my platform is more like a rickety stool than a structure. Scaffolding and pedigree are needed. Otherwise it will not go anywhere.
I have not got the pedigree, descendant of an old breed of mongrels. Of mongrels are said to be more intelligent than purebred dogs, but dogs can also enter the race in the good clothes shops in the historic center (a famed clothing store in the historic center), the mestizos have to be content to remain tied to the pole. Have you ever seen one with those hideous paintings of hunting scenes with mongrels chasing prey? They are all greyhounds, beagles, if anything, some Cirneco of Etna.
Before giving birth to a child should contact the best engineers to design a sound framework and ensure that it can have a good pedigree. E 'key. Do not count as education or good manners. Needless to poke fun.
My friend, or alleged, has a great pedigree and a scaffold to fear. Then he
brain, which is good, and a good deal of initiative and self-esteem. At the end of the day (oh my God, another cliché) if this friend of mine, or alleged, had received a dowry of my scaffolding and also my shepherd pedigree of iblei, now write a blog of her friend, or alleged that, with a better framework and a bassett hound pedigree.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jc Penny Outlet In Ontario Mills Mall

Giants and Dwarfs

news these days and I Gongolo happy because some of my wish has come true.
Start from the most distant: the deputy in charge had to deliver the delegation. It is she, the one that led culture in the city and broke it well written on santino election. Just what the string of pearls around his neck is in any event. The one who loves the environment, but especially his chair. E 'missed another councilor that I was on the boxes. One that has always been foolish, dubious. Jump well, for now, the only one that I really liked and that could give airs and never did. Patience.
Tacciatemi well as unjustified evil, but I can not hide satisfaction.
Then we approach the private staff. Came the big bosses. Confident, a bit 'cocky, but surrounded by an aura of skill and confidence that made pale and irritate those who until a few months ago called themselves "professionals." It did not take long to realize who they were and who the half-stockings silk stockings. Someone is still trying to raise the crest, tries to raise its voice, to express his disappointment and point to a mutiny. It 's so arrogant to think that now is the new that will have to adapt to the old. Did not understand that old, here, will not remain anything. Indeed, soon, will not anyone. Me included.
I regret that there is also a half-way I see it would be better to sink the enemy clung to a lifebuoy. I do not have, I think, but swim well enough to stay afloat until needed. Internally cry: I told, I told, I'd say. Then I too will disappear under water and who we have seen we have seen.
We had a boss who had his own reason. In the sense that you wondered why he was the boss. To tell the truth here inside because there are quite a few '.
is now over. Either we are in the finishing straight. Except that there is no waiting for the winner that will break the tape, but the abyss. I, meanwhile, keep dreaming that my alternative is proven valid, or at least good enough to survive until I embark on another ship, hoping to be more solid and with a crew less idiot.

... But if the desires are just nostalgia or melancholy
's countless other lives,
old friends who met in the street, their
those lost souls, the Stuttering
felt intellectual el' aphasia
of those who questions to understand. But confusing
travel with their parody
dreams with the 'action of leaving,
to wander all his life in the sun
restavan empty shells of words ...
Then later, looking back at that 'relentless pace of travel
lost his memory, his mind distracted
guessed the giant
coarse sense of ancient history
and precision of the human project or
in the world and its illusory limited
felt the cruel loneliness of the nano,
felt the cruel loneliness of the nano
in 'universe exaggerated,
two sides of the coin that's screaming to mind:
by time and sea, weather or sea ,
by time and sea, weather or sea, and sea not long
s' learn anything ...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Toddlers Eyelid Purple And Pink

I know that you know, but just do not know

or better. Tired, disgusted, nauseated by those half socks that until a few weeks ago even begged that he be assigned some work to do and to be reassured that now do not know what the facts are to be returned at the expense of our own I moved a protest.
Result: Should I give the names. Siiiii, never mind! The juice is this. And 'certain that the names do not do now, so you can return to turn a blind eye. In this case, not the ostrich hides its head in the sand, dig in until we find oil or water. At the end
seek a rational explanation for this situation is becoming bogged down as to reveal the age-old question of whether it came first the chicken or the chicken came first. I am not writing to reveal the origins of the universe, a comparison would be quite risky. Today begins
definitely my creativity. In the evening, just a sofa and TV, you need to get busy. And soon, very soon.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Both Penis And Viginia

Obscene Shows Returns

But what a beautiful autumn day ....
I'm back from three days and thought I had stored a great deal of patience before regaining the usual crises of rejection. But no. I thought the new job situation would have given a boost to those responsible for a greater organization. NO MORE. The usual confusion reigns and the usual free-riding. In addition, in these days of vacation, I realized how exciting it is to work for themselves. Do not count the times and disclaimers. It does not matter if it's Saturday or Sunday. E 'and that's gratifying. Although, in my case, it was not a lucrative job. But, who knows, it could become. This gratification, however, has had a devastating effect on what I do: I hate him even more. More is the commitment that I put in what I do on my own, the less esteem for those who would try to organize my official work. The moment is difficult, my idea is not as original as it sounds, but I do not think even just give up without a priori to have tried before.
Then you add the traffic to make the black humor that was gray-gray. I would, in fact, make a big applause to the municipal administration has decided to repair the road right of citizens to return from holiday. Adding to it is true, that the bridge will soon be closed for maintenance work, just to coincide with the opening of schools, then we are really lucky. Even then it must be said, were very intelligent. The streets are one-way, and if these are left from point A to a point B I have to pass through the points C, D and F, make some change, some change of direction and finish in mid-point B. If I want to get to the end I have to redo other inversions, and other side streets to divert the main road and then arrive at your destination. THANK YOU, I like to drive. This is really a nice gift. I also listen to an entire song on the radio without stopping and getting up again half an hour before to get half an hour later. This defies the laws of time and space. How to get there we need to look at so keen mind? Machiavelli, by comparison, is a rookie.
I would also like to thank the town because he decided to become protagonist. Several items of payment notices for things that I paid a bit ', with the boredom of going to the post office, pick up the mail, realize that it is equal to the other six previously sent, go to the office duties, be secure for once again, that they are in order. I like to give advice to those who continue to stress among those who go looking for even sponsored him to do fine art exhibitions, check their water meters, their garbage bills. Investigated, verified, make sure and start to stress, maybe for me, since I already gave and I gave a lot '.
short, round and round are always among the puppets, the puppets and puppeteers.
... Hide distant things: things are drunk with tears ... (Giovanni Pascoli)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Books With Modern Greek Mythology

new notebooks, new diary / calendar, pens, pencils and new tires, even a tempera pencils. So I returned to work. In addition september also a breeze and a cloudy sky. I just forgot the usual post-holiday cd: What Not Guccini. It was not a trauma. And 'if I were not a couple of days. On the other hand I have a head full of stupid ideas zero and time available.
I found the big bosses to meet me. I had almost forgotten now that I'm part of a large group of companies. I'm so happy that every day I think more and more intensely than would be nice to have my own business. A distant relative of mine found a stationery store, a friend of mine has just received two new proposals for work, a friend of mine had a chair Annual close to home, too. All have received some good news. But I keep on dreaming. I am working on my project, difficult to bring me some good news, but I can not do is put all my good will for the rest I trust in the good providence. These days
leave me a world of fun to watch the show: Murder, She Wrote. Now I know every episode by heart. Apart from when the bet is entirely centered on the environment thief Mrs. Fletcher, I never get bored. The idea of \u200b\u200ba woman get older, successful writer who lives in a seaside village in New England, I like it, makes me fly with the fantasy. We add a few short stories of Strout, Olive Kitteridge, for example, and the desire to move to take over. One day I will write a successful book, a work of art will realize, he discovers the egg of Columbus and then I also cottons hair, wear suits of the improbable, put a scarf, paint with red lips and nose ficcherò in fact people like Mrs. Fletcher. Both are closer to fifty than I can think or fear.
Meanwhile, I'm back in my cage, among the usual shouting and I have already spoken on the phone with the usual boring and petulant clients. I have already beaten twice knees on the edge of the drawer and slammed the side of the partition of the desk every time I got up to leave the room. That's because we're four when the space is designed for a maximum of two people. But we are great at rationalizing spaces and elsewhere that do not rationalize anything.
I miss the couch, the buzz fan, my afternoon chores, I miss the exit without a fixed time and a half. I miss breakfast at home, in the early morning, my bowl of frosted cornflakes and milk, I miss the ice cream and popsicles in the evening after dinner.
Meanwhile, I broke the ice (oh my God how I hate cliches), I'll see tomorrow how to direct my energy.