Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Books With Modern Greek Mythology

new notebooks, new diary / calendar, pens, pencils and new tires, even a tempera pencils. So I returned to work. In addition september also a breeze and a cloudy sky. I just forgot the usual post-holiday cd: What Not Guccini. It was not a trauma. And 'if I were not a couple of days. On the other hand I have a head full of stupid ideas zero and time available.
I found the big bosses to meet me. I had almost forgotten now that I'm part of a large group of companies. I'm so happy that every day I think more and more intensely than would be nice to have my own business. A distant relative of mine found a stationery store, a friend of mine has just received two new proposals for work, a friend of mine had a chair Annual close to home, too. All have received some good news. But I keep on dreaming. I am working on my project, difficult to bring me some good news, but I can not do is put all my good will for the rest I trust in the good providence. These days
leave me a world of fun to watch the show: Murder, She Wrote. Now I know every episode by heart. Apart from when the bet is entirely centered on the environment thief Mrs. Fletcher, I never get bored. The idea of \u200b\u200ba woman get older, successful writer who lives in a seaside village in New England, I like it, makes me fly with the fantasy. We add a few short stories of Strout, Olive Kitteridge, for example, and the desire to move to take over. One day I will write a successful book, a work of art will realize, he discovers the egg of Columbus and then I also cottons hair, wear suits of the improbable, put a scarf, paint with red lips and nose ficcherò in fact people like Mrs. Fletcher. Both are closer to fifty than I can think or fear.
Meanwhile, I'm back in my cage, among the usual shouting and I have already spoken on the phone with the usual boring and petulant clients. I have already beaten twice knees on the edge of the drawer and slammed the side of the partition of the desk every time I got up to leave the room. That's because we're four when the space is designed for a maximum of two people. But we are great at rationalizing spaces and elsewhere that do not rationalize anything.
I miss the couch, the buzz fan, my afternoon chores, I miss the exit without a fixed time and a half. I miss breakfast at home, in the early morning, my bowl of frosted cornflakes and milk, I miss the ice cream and popsicles in the evening after dinner.
Meanwhile, I broke the ice (oh my God how I hate cliches), I'll see tomorrow how to direct my energy.


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