Friday, December 31, 2010

Putting Cheats On Gpsphone No Computer

aging time in quickly

I seem to play the hangman game. Standing on the stool, the rope around his neck and a single point from play. The stool goes away if I'm wrong and I was left hanging from the tree. Another year has flown by, but is it really so significant this year old? Scan the passage of time is really necessary? Would it matter if the time spent in a single solution? You are born, grow, die. Fine.
This need to shape the time is exhausting when you're young, because time seems to pass ever and so is large because we realize that the aging time in quickly. Nothing is eternal. I am not feeling, is not life and are not situations. It would be better if I turn into a mineral. It is not forever, but live longer, without emotions or shocks that could disturb him. A little 'what I call "I stand by the window." Observe the people live, but you're taking cover behind the glass.
From behind the window you can see many things. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I have to look out the window of my office. The building opposite has been whitened, but lives in are always the same. What a bore.
I met an English girl who chose to live here. I wonder why. He had a globe of choices. Not shortage of money and opportunity. He chose this place infamous. I'd like to see the city through the eyes of this girl. I could find the gems? Or I would see as it is and it's only a matter of taste?
do not know, while I adapted to close the year too. I do not want the contrarian though, to put it as Gucci .... not bind myself to this group, black sheep die!
I close the last post of the year by not listing the good intentions for the new year that much, can not keep. Sentence of Oscar Wilde was never more true .... And I do not consider myself weak person.
Good intentions are useless attempts to interfere with scientific laws. They come from pure vanity. The result is nothing at all. Every now and give us one of those tailings and voluptuous emotions that have a certain charm on weak people. That's it. They are nothing but bad checks.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Foot Arch Pain From Ice Skating

clouds yesterday on our future Odierno (routine) - Elio e le Storie Tese

Yes, we approach the Christmas Eve dinner. What you look at the plates decorated Christmas theme and beautiful until you leave the horrid food Squirting not ruin them.
you would like to eat Dinner with lighted candles, a background of Christmas music, Christmas trees and glittering in perfect harmony instead is a step by step of food, cries of spoiled children and older people uneducated.
Finally there are the gifts. Those who, traditionally, should appear under the tree on the morning of December 25 and, conversely, are opened punctually at eight in the evening of Dec. 24 to make the children feel good.
to my house and left alone for a child who is eight, but then you add a couple of adults who are no different. Scratch away at the event and I have panic attacks. We hope that at least this year, remember to make good wishes. But really I want so much then?
Every year I have to endure what you holds out his hand soft and sticky. What do you pop two kisses on the cheeks and a pound of saliva. What you are confusing our mind because of gallons of perfume. What makes the care of garlic. Fortunately, there is what baceresti happy not only at Christmas, but also to St. Stephen, New Year, Epiphany, and every day that God grants you, over and under the mistletoe, front, back and also inside the fireplace!
But most of all, I hate those who do not kiss your cheek direct the mouth, full of burgundy lipstick on the collar of his shirt. In this case we must be ready and drop a few inches back arching his back. It seems a complicated gymnastics, but it is not. We must, however, be fast and well coordinated movements. Otherwise you risk that the nose is smeared on the humerus, as a brooch, or even worse, in the chest, risking the effect Sacred Heart of Jesus
Luckily I grew up, because when I was a child, a relative of mine was torturing me biting my cheeks. What hurts .... And that sucks ... especially. Yuck! These are serious injuries. Mica to joke about. And they say they are unfriendly. Try to spend decades at the mercy of people like that and then I just want to see if you still want to even a small physical approach to the relationship.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Venison Neck Roast Recipe Slow Cooker

dear friend with the Porsche Cayenne

dear friend with the Porsche Cayenne, you almost mowed
this morning me and a poor boy who went to school with a huge backpack behind. You emerge from the curve in the road at full speed even bother because you have hindered the path. In fact, you did a pretty hyped with his right hand. The left hand holds the phone was busy. I guess when you get in your car and luxury are the only one you. The rest is garbage if it was not willing to tread down that may contaminate your tires racing.
It is not the first time that such behavior takes. Yes, it's always you. There are a lot like your car around and, admit it, this makes you immensely proud.
Sin makes you notice more for cafonaggine for the elegance of the vehicle. I'd like to meet you face to tell you what I think of you. Not that you care or you must import it, but it is necessary for someone to remove the veil before the eyes (in your case mortadella) that prevents you from seeing reality.
You're not the prince on a white horse. You're like those women who dress up and make-up to be grotesque. Your car is your facing him and you're really bad.
do not even know what it means to be stylish. The elegance is in the detail, subtle, but you will notice, apart. A person driving your car with elegant nonchalance. Why is not interested in showing luxury. But you will only feed the admiring glances of others, but I must say that they do not collect many. Do you think you have achieved the ultimate honor of having bought a car (which, it is a little Truzzi) and I believe in right to do what you want from a few inches more ground.
Too bad then, when you descend from the cockpit, you lose all you earned and reduce centimeters below the limit of average height. You're practically a dwarf. Today, when I saw you get out of your spaceship I stopped angry with you and I laughed. You are a pathetic little dwarf and common boy as a below-average intelligence think that the car payments that do not have. I thought you had just a hair, but sin also in height.
put aside some sgallettata worse than you, who would never have to deal with a representative of cafonaggine so sublime? You are what you drive in the summer with his arm out the window, bring the gold chain with a crucifix format fake, turn up the collar of his polo, moreover, to slip into tight jeans and wears glasses on his forehead. Your face is always tanned and you're at the bar with his legs apart, one hand on the sunny side and head back to school until the last drop of coffee.
I'll bet you've never opened a book your life. Readers not only are more learned, but learn to be comfortable with the community. You are a monkey forest in the middle of the debutantes' ball. Too bad that there are more monkeys around and less novices

Monday, December 20, 2010

Remote Ignition System Car

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone. Even those who would like to kick from morning to evening.

Merry Christmas to Santa Claus I've been waiting since I was a child, but he has lost the home address.

Merry Christmas to my dear colleagues especially those who have done nothing all year except for the hair curling around the right hand and index sculettare, with legs in O, for the corridor.

Merry Christmas to relatives snakes. Those who call for all the grandchildren's birthday cards, except me. Those who think that the family members are all more poor, unfortunate, underprivileged, unfortunate, bad, but smarter than me.

Merry Christmas to those who do not look at me in the face because they thought that the choice of my life were to be held with them. Of course! I will have had amnesia.

Merry Christmas to those with simple, small gestures I were closer than those who claim long-time friends. Merry Christmas

black mannikin that makes my life impossible. I wish that you still enjoy it for a long time at my expense. It will be a pest if it is better to do.

Merry Christmas to my mom stresses me with phone calls asking if I'm okay, if I eat and sleep and if I cover well before leaving. Pity not the sort has ever asked what I wanted to do with my life.

Merry Christmas Dad continues to live in his world, mistaking it for real. Maybe it's just a representative of a parallel world, parallel but just because you do not meet with the real world.

Merry Christmas to all those who sin of citizenship. After a while they will live in total anarchy and will be happy about this. Greetings!

Merry Christmas to those who wanted to but myself and one friend had an ulterior motive.

Merry Christmas to those who I wanted as a friend and I can not make me such.

Finally ... Merry Christmas to me that I had a lot of ideas in my head and now they are all rotten corpses inside a drawer. I just hope I learn to know myself well sell sooner or later. Too bad that the only time I have before me is more about what I ate.

Properly Reheat Dungeoness Crab

I reappeared

This year the Christmas spirit has taken a different turn. To begin with I bought a tree of half of what I had. I decorated with purple, as in previous years, not because it is trendy, but because I even went to the hall of my withered brain to spend money on unnecessary things purely. I have thrown at random four Christmas ornaments scattered among the hood of the kitchen and fireplace. I rolled a garland the railing of the many stairs in my house and Merry Christmas to everyone.
So, then, after days and days of waiting, everything will be resolved before a dinner full of confusion, in a lunch as usual confused and upset stomach.
Moreover, after waiting since August my week's holiday season, already on the second day I was a nice bill bronchitis. Even the little man pulling against me? It 'just a big bastard.
I explained, to no avail, my beautiful creations. They are on the shelves of a library in the center. Christmas decorations seem simple, but they are my creatures and are also for sale. It 'was my fault. I had to develop a plan for selling more organized, but I'm working hard. Revolutionizing the way I am.
But, what a great satisfaction to see their creatures on display. Most of the children.
would be a nice Christmas present if I could turn a passion into something more. Especially now that the office begin to fall heads worse than during the French Revolution.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Boson Netsim User Guide 6.0

For all the lonely souls who glances

not become
stroking the leaf
that knows no autumn
and can not fall
(December 2010)