Friday, March 11, 2011

Kashi Cereal And Gout

Good deeds make

Today I have done a good deed. Yes, I! So I feel entitled to behave badly for the rest of the day. Back from my iron therapy (seems out of this world, but it's easy to iron therapy, in my case intravenous) I found an old man who tried to sign up for spelling the word Radiology. What tenderness! Ignoring the little devil in my head that I suggested (and later I would have said "good reason") to turn a blind eye because some other good Samaritan would have offered, I'm back on my feet and I asked her if she needed. Yes, like most of the old guys took it away. This morning got up early and went outside to get some 'wood for the water heater. Because it has a kitchen with a wood heater that works. In the wood as he took a chip's index is stuck and although he used some tricks to get it out the naughty refused. So, as gradually he felt his arm paralyzed, his son told him to go to hospital. And there has dropped. Alone. So I went down the hall, then the elevator (I hate elevator), -2 to department. I wanted to make sure that someone would take care of him, but I thought only the stairs and I was not good enough to go back. We say that good deed I have done only half. Better than nothing right? And since I like the law of tit for tat I would expect an immediate reward. What is, otherwise, do good deeds?
Now I just have to make that final effort and then will come the weekend. Nothing is sweeter than the day before a holiday. Full of expectation and all the possibilities ahead. Before me, this weekend, I have a set of nano teapots, poppies, micro kittens and crutches pseudo tutu. I'll do all this stuff? I can give them a decent role? Or end up in the maw of the fireplace? Tonight will read the sentence. I judge and I executioner. Meanwhile
chasing a dream. Another.

The more I close my eyes, then we see better, because
all day watching things unworthy of notice;
but when I sleep .....


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