Friday, March 4, 2011

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cumulonimbus Today I head has widened. And 'huge, overflowing. I'm upset, they made me angry. Dear Anonymous
is easy to spit out judgments. I know because I've done well. Read four lines, some delusions of the human soul and in a second I think I understand everything, but you did not understand anything. It 's still easier to judge if you are hiding behind anonymity, a symptom of cowardice. I accept the opinions of others, but must have a face, a name behind it, even if unknown. In this case you can insult me, criticize, ridicule. Not
call me "dear." Dear anyone who is around us and we care. It is enough. Its use in other contexts do not like. And then, there is a clarification because I have to say nothing, I am envious. I hate the feeling envious at least as much appeal as "dear." Frustrated yes, even then. But I do not think there's anything wrong with that.
What does it mean frustrated? Open a dictionary. "Psychological state of defeat and disappointment that occurs in those who are confronted with insurmountable difficulties judged."
I do not think that the definition is so correct. Judge surmountable ... it means that the situations are considered such, but in reality they are not. Not above. Could be, but happen to find themselves in situations that you can not manage despite our will. But I'll bet you've used the term disparagingly, or, if your intention had been different, would not have said that they are poisoned or envious. Then uses terms which do not fully know the meaning. And this is bad, especially when you go to someone writing. Every word is weighed, studied in order to avoid misunderstandings.
You give me pictures like a lost soul who walks grazing the walls, looking sinister to me who passes by, especially if more fortunate than me. Put me in a basement as well, give me hand in ingredients such as frog legs, laughing witch and I become the stepmother of Snow White. Do not make me laugh. I do not want. I examine, examine me, I study and I often critical. I know where I can get and what I know is foreclosed. Do you think I should suffer for this? It 's all more complicated, harder to understand and do not even want you to understand. These things are mine and I decide what the limits beyond which it will not discover, even in this blog. Do not make me petty
philosophy. Do not act like a garbage Coelho literature. Who strives to live positive thinking is not stupid, it's just silly. I also dream, often with open eyes, but I know what is the reality. If we were not able to separate what is real from what we want yet children are the principles that one day, other astronauts, and some superheroes.
I would understand, then, as it attracts this negativity! Gufando? I'm not superstitious. Or as a dowser, stick in hand, I'm going to look for the misfortunes? It 's all very ridiculous. There is no basis for comparison, but then who suffer from hunger, war, violence? It 's all people who do not think positive? It draws upon the misfortunes?
Watching people live and feel disheartened to hear your life going on tracks dead does not mean being envious of others' lives. Leopards living reflection of and wrote beautiful pages. And how do you live? You're always optimistic, you're the one who always sees the glass half full? Have you ever felt lost? Do you have what you want? Good for you. Every morning I put on my armor and face the world, maybe the wrong way, but I do. My way. Often I lose, sometimes draw. I never won and if I sometimes envy the victories of others is not with malice. Dream for me the best things, like everyone else, as I think you do well. E 'lawful, allowed. And 'human.


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