Friday, December 19, 2008

World's End Cream Rum 2010

Milan, a tough town, my hometown.
A month has gone, swallowed by the gray, rain engulfed, swallowed up by laziness.
A pause, forced, polluted, days off and complicated, the thoughts of detachment, for decades.
A blast from the past, old impressions, atmospheres unnecessary, resigned faces.
A pause, the new year arrives, the courage he will return.
to share soon.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

About Me Ideas For Myyearbook



The demand arrest of a deputy in Basilicata, for alleged bribery linked to oil, the arrest Mayor of Pescara on suspicion of kickbacks on contracts. After the cases of Naples and Florence, on Pd the wave grows and judicial although it must be repeated as long as we await the results of the investigation before making judgments, this is the time to grab the party by the hair, before sinking . No one can think, honestly, that is a haven of the Democratic Party fixer. But there is no doubt that if the problem of corruption in the country and exploded in the critical boundary between politics and business, the Democrats showed today vulnerable and permeable Assessorile malpractice in their periphery, while the hopes and expectations accompanied the birth of the PD was different. Crackle both elements torque with which the Democratic Party presented its novelty: the morality of public policy innovation. It is difficult not to link the news coming from prosecutors with the electoral debacle in Abruzzo, and especially with the abstention of the left that has prepared, giving space only to Di Pietro, ambiguous ally-competitors. The only remedy is a tear of innovation that makes a clean sweep of old equipment and methods are even older, make the party transparent, contestable and open to really new forces in society, with the risk of the necessary parts. To do this, we need a courageous leadership and aware of the mortal danger he is running, because indulgences and delays today - when the country would need a crisis in thought and a real alternative to the political right - are worse than mistakes are sins.
(December 17, 2008)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

How To Use A Plastic Cracher

The 3 small suites for guitar by Carlo de Nonno

are outputs for the Ut Orpheus Edizioni of Bologna (, my 3 small Suites for Guitar.

result of a long career as a studio guitar and a consolidated experience in music theater, 3 small Suites combine expressiveness and technical research by the sound and timbre, in language "plain" that may be suitable both young students to adult amateurs, as well as professional performers and teachers who wish to bring a world of expression away from the usual paths of an academic ÷

The first of three small Suites was selected as a compulsory piece for the competitors of the Category A (up to 10 years) for the 2009 edition of the prestigious New Sounds competition guitar Interpreters (

Read more:

Friday, December 5, 2008

Sunset Orange Bridesmaid Dresses

citizenship rights
opening of an information and orientation for the
Italian citizens and foreigners at the Circolo PD in Ponte Milvio
collaboration with the associations:
"February 3"
Attorney will present the project. Laura Gigli
Marcella Lucidi
(Under Secretary in the last Prodi government)
(Head of the National Initiative Politics)
Friday, December 5, at 19
Circle Ponte Milvio PD
Via della Farnesina, 37

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What Is The Cost Of Yocream Per Ounce


Sooner or later it had to happen sooner or later whatever experience comes to an end sooner or later things come to an end.
And so my time in Ecuador is over.

I knew would happen, but I was not prepared. Personal reasons led me to conclude a little earlier, but maybe I was never really ready.
I wake up in the morning with a strange feeling, something is gone, missing many things.
not be there anymore, not having that heat wrap on the skin, so that climate pleasantly always the same, but happy that sun unbearable, those torrential rains from the end of the world, those smells from land border.

I remember everything, remember friends, colleagues remember, I remember the faces of all, a pleasant fellow experience.
I remember the local people, street vendors, the sculptured faces of refugees crossing the border accompanied by the ghosts of terror.

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I think of the rivers and the people who live there, the missions, the aid given to the errors committed, and those for projects to be implemented, I think the red soil of the villages battered by a unnecessary violence, the human folly, the guerrillas, armies, Ecuador and Colombia ... and I miss everything.

memory reappears in the good times, happiness and enthusiasm, hard times, despair and sadness.
jealously guards everything ready for the next departure.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

How To Make Instant Gravy Taste Good

Simple people, worthy people, beautiful children, people wiped out, prosecuted. Contaminated and impoverished by our supposed "civilization." Traveling companions.
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Indoor Basketball Courts Nj Oakland

Quilotoa NATIVE: craters, volcanoes and more ... HOW


Toshiba Drivers For Ujda760


"Dear Obama, with your vittoriasi can dream a better world" This is the text of the letter sent by Nelson Mandela to Barack Obama Dear Senator Obama, We join the people of your country and around the world congratulate Conlee on becoming the new president-elect of the United States. Lasu victory has proved that no person, at any place mondodovrebbe refrain from dreaming of wanting to change the world diventiun better planet. We acknowledge and applaud its commitment to support the cause of peace and beauty security throughout the world. We trust that you facciarientrare in its mission to fight the president also dellapovertà wounds and disease around the globe. We wish you strength and decision in the days and years ahead lestanno difficult. We are sure that you eventually achieve its dream of making the United States of America is a full partner of unacomunità of nations dedicated to ensuring peace and prosperity to all. With my best wishes, (Translated by Anna Bissanti) (5 November 2008) social Lazio Cristiano

Monday, October 27, 2008

Emerson Binocular Software


We express our concern for breaks and uncertainties that are experiencing the formation of the Democratic Party even in our Region . We strongly

wanted the birth of the common home of the reformists, as the convergence of different traditions of Italian reformism in a new political culture, in a project that can govern Italy in the XXI century. And we worked hard for this tour, giving a strong contribution since our inception in 1993, when Pierre Carniti with Ermanno Gorrieri and we believe the political necessity of an organized presence of Christians in the then so-called progressive camp.
a story, then, that comes from afar, strongly marked by a constant on some major issues: the preferential option for the past and those who have no voice, the goal of equality in practice feasible, the secularism of the political institutions as unavoidable profile of Christians, the ethics policy, discriminating which admits of no exceptions.

What we are seeing a path from which there is growing something new. Or rather, seem to prevail even old drifts, quarrels and disputes are not always decipherable. Let dissipate the spirit of unity and enthusiasm that had accompanied the experience of the Olive and were then projected in the construction of the new party. At the expense of production policies and confrontation with those who gave us confidence.

We are increasingly convinced that the PD will have meaning and force only if it is a popular party, based on a direct and daily contact with communities, citizens, voters. If you cultivate the ability to motivate them to participate and vote on the basis of shared values \u200b\u200band project. A party that still face the moral issue its own distinctive character and indispensable. Despite all this, and precisely because it seems to be a matter of very little expendable in terms of support.

The party must also be in the first instance the ideal opportunity for the participatory democracy that plans for the country chosen by the members and leaders from non-notable; primaries to select candidates; popular roots. We need, in our region, give a sign of discontinuity in leadership positions.

A party that knows a whole rework ideas, culture, reflection. Which has the look of those who design long after having analyzed, studied, compared proposals without the anxiety of an immediate election, but with the conviction that the way to do requires hard work, effort, consistency and constancy.

As it emerged strongly from our studies VI National Conference of Assisi ("Christians and new policy challenges. Democracy, justice, common good, which was attended by nearly 300 people, including representatives of the movement and friends ), in the daily life of the party we see instead a tendency to assert a high concentration of responsibility the national leadership, and with the organization for highly customized combinations. It is a scary process, because it basically undermines the unity and the size of the party membership, its leadership and the constitutional process.

The PD needs at all levels, strong leadership and collegial together, which triggers and mobilize energies, to engage fully in the youth and women, living through its proposals and its struggles in society.

is also necessary that the party areas and different cultural positions, since they are vital source of debate, even as voices of different social organizations and bodies, and greater wealth for all, find an appropriate based not on mere logic of power or membership correntizie, but on the fertile opportunity to make fruitful synthesis from a wealth of ideas and values \u200b\u200bestablished and recognized in the country even before the party.
Only then will we be able to give a soul and identity of the party that we are forming.

share what has been said and written elsewhere (see PD Circle of Donna Olimpia), and we do ours.
"It 's necessary that the selection of leading groups and applications passes immediately from the practice of co-opted by the criterion of fidelity to this or that leader, the pseudo debate, enhancement of the merits and skills in an open democratic debate of ideas and positions. And 'necessary for that purpose a pact of loyalty and cooperation between the generation of leaders who led the party until now Roman and new generations that have grown in recent years in and around it, both in the parties, dissolving, they've created as in other political forces and civil society. For
level too, Roman purposes for which the PD was established, it is first necessary to affect the decision-making processes and ways of training leaders. It is important that in both cases involve the basic structures and that this has encouraged the widest participation members and citizens through the systematic use of the primary method for the formation of candidates for elective positions in the party competes (at least to those single-judge), as is required by statute and was recently reaffirmed by the Secretary. "

There is a lot of work to do.
broaden the base of participation involving members, voters and citizens in the choices of content and selection of its leaders, to become viable, transparent and truly democratic decision-making bodies at all levels and adopt transparent procedures for the selection of its leaders, coordinating the work Working with the agile bodies and participatory; also include a planning conference at the local level can translate into policy choices is a possible, ideas and proposals that broad consultation with base will be able to advance, turn on circular forms of communication, so that each and everyone knows what is happening, what both the process and the steps that are being launched one after another.
These are the points on which we do not intend to back Christian social action in our politics. Indeed, we think that they are elements that can describe the identity and action of the party and for which we still plan to spend our resources and human ideals.
making them available for comparison and discussion. To revive the party and especially give back to the country and to our city, a government that puts the common good as a starting point of the social fabric that joins a collective population.

Regional coordination of the Movement of Christian social

Lazio Rome 20 October 2008

Mental Health Hotline Voice Message

00135 Rome, tel 333 - 8018686,

The Association's Fund Sant'Onofrio

invites you to a morning meeting /
comparison with the Associations and Committees
Network nineteenth
city hall and the Park of Pineto

Sunday, November 9, 2008 At 10:00


at the Park will be an opportunity to start the development of coordination between the Unions and the Committees on some crucial issues concerning the green and viability 'of our neighborhoods

Follows' a convivial
chestnuts and new wine

We are waiting !!!!!


Friday, October 24, 2008

Pressure Point Fall Asleep

with us at the Circo Massimo

Dear friend, dear friend,
I am writing to ask you to be with us next October 25, participating in the big national demonstration that the Democratic Party has called for that day at Roma.Sarà the final stage of the process that began this summer with the collection of millions of signatures " save Italy "from declining political, economic and moral right of which the government is contributing in a decisive way with his choices, with its decisioni.Si These choices and decisions that have so far played only a fundamental goal, that to protect and safeguard the personal interests of the Prime Minister, and at least two serious results: our country has been brought back to the time of institutional conflicts, and the laws ad personam the confusion between private interests and public affairs, having overturned the proper hierarchy of priorities, leaving the last place the real problems of the Italians, facing a general and widespread impoverishment, and salaries and wages that have lost purchasing power, with pensions are not enough to make ends meet, with savings that are likely to lose their value. All this while the resources for law enforcement are reduced and the right to security of citizens, beyond the high-sounding phrases and demagogic, is less assured than before, and while the school, the real key to the future of our children and the competitiveness of the country, is considered only as a cost to this tagliare.Per the Democrats wanted a big event, because we are concerned about Italy, and because we want to give voice to millions of Italians who have had enough of government policies and waiting for other answers, real answers and concrete, their questions and their bisogni.Io are convinced that the day of 25 October will be another moment of "constituent", another of the moments that define the identity of our party, as was the case throughout the campaign and how it was, of course, first with the extraordinary and memorable participation in the primaries of last Oct. 14, when thanks to you, your civic passion, your desire to be there, was born in a way that is unprecedented in world history and the Party Democratico.È for all this, for the good of Italy and to give impetus to our path of innovation, to be the Democratic Party that is written as a promise in his birth certificate, which must be many in Rome together with us, on 25 October. Walter Veltroni

We decided to make the following appointment to all circles of the Democratic Party in our town hall, to citizens, supporters, together with the associations to make the route of the march behind the banner "PD Hall 19." All participate!

appointment at 13:30 on Saturday October 25 in Piazza della Repubblica at the corner of Mc Donald with the banner "PD Hall 19"

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cheerios Shreddies Party Mix

banks under

not wait to start the lesson, send text messages to their teachers, they always want to learn new things. For them, school is the only bridge to the "normality" and the outdoor life. They are the young pupils of the school Queen Margaret Hospital. Young patients, who were forced into the beds, especially the departments of long-term care: the cancer and the neuro-psychiatric. Even for them is about to ring the bell again. The 2008-2009 school year is upon us and it is time to deal with the funds available. "We have not had any confirmation of coverage by region, but the planned expenditures, including training, records and electronic boards, other educational material, is around 145 thousand euro" made it known Concetta Mascali, contact the regional school office . The teachers are from primary schools Vittorino da Feltre, media Peyron Arduino and the Institute, are government employees, working full-time teaching in the hospital. A recent law of the Ministry of Education (protocol 3260) has reiterated its commitment to support "initiatives aimed at strengthening and qualification of education of students admitted to the hospital or followed in day-hospital. (Law 440/97). At the Regina Margherita year are between 300 and 350 children who are hospitalized, 150 of these for a period exceeding 60 days. Classes usually start for them at 8:30 and end at 1:30 p.m., at least on paper. Schedules and programs that can not be flexible in this context. "The lessons often held in the room, sometimes in the one room available, 80% of the time the child must remain isolated. The program is individual and determined by the sending school, "says Francesca Michelon, elementary school teacher that just because the money is never enough decided to publish a book to finance the teaching materials (" Going to school in pajamas, "Lightning Print) .

Butter Coconut Oil Equivalent

people move here ... I'm back



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