Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cheerios Shreddies Party Mix

banks under

not wait to start the lesson, send text messages to their teachers, they always want to learn new things. For them, school is the only bridge to the "normality" and the outdoor life. They are the young pupils of the school Queen Margaret Hospital. Young patients, who were forced into the beds, especially the departments of long-term care: the cancer and the neuro-psychiatric. Even for them is about to ring the bell again. The 2008-2009 school year is upon us and it is time to deal with the funds available. "We have not had any confirmation of coverage by region, but the planned expenditures, including training, records and electronic boards, other educational material, is around 145 thousand euro" made it known Concetta Mascali, contact the regional school office . The teachers are from primary schools Vittorino da Feltre, media Peyron Arduino and the Institute, are government employees, working full-time teaching in the hospital. A recent law of the Ministry of Education (protocol 3260) has reiterated its commitment to support "initiatives aimed at strengthening and qualification of education of students admitted to the hospital or followed in day-hospital. (Law 440/97). At the Regina Margherita year are between 300 and 350 children who are hospitalized, 150 of these for a period exceeding 60 days. Classes usually start for them at 8:30 and end at 1:30 p.m., at least on paper. Schedules and programs that can not be flexible in this context. "The lessons often held in the room, sometimes in the one room available, 80% of the time the child must remain isolated. The program is individual and determined by the sending school, "says Francesca Michelon, elementary school teacher that just because the money is never enough decided to publish a book to finance the teaching materials (" Going to school in pajamas, "Lightning Print) .


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