Friday, October 10, 2008

Infiniti Eurosport Elliptical Reviews

Community Sant'Egidio - Jewish Community of Rome

Sunday, October 12, 2008 Silent March from Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere at 18.30a Largo October 16, 1943 (Portico d'Ottavia )

The "Pilgrimage of Memory" will be the route back from S. Maria in Trastevere along the route of the deportees of that October 16, 1943, that the ghetto were taken to the Military College in Trastevere, before being imprisoned in the train with destination Auschwitz.

"The great raid on the old Ghetto of Rome began around 5:30 October 16, 1943. Over a hundred Germans armed with machine guns surrounded the Jewish quarter. At the same time two hundred soldiers were distributed in 26 areas of operation in which the German Command had divided the city in search of other victims. When the raid ended giant had been captured romani.Due 1022 Jews in 18 days after the sealed wagons were all transferred to Auschwitz. Only 15 of them returned after the war: 14 men and one woman. All other deaths in 1066 are mostly newly arrived in the gas chambers. None of the children survived more than two hundred. "(F. Cohen, October 16, 1943. The great raid of the Jews of Rome)

" The memory of October 16 is one of the major events the history of our contemporary Rome. Starting from this idea of \u200b\u200bmemory is built solidarity between Rome and the Romans. It 's the memory of an injury to the entire city, but above all committed to the Jewish community, like a thief in the night, after he had done to isolate the Community with the racist laws and the fascist policy. From that memory, we affirm the will of a pact between the Romans not to forget, to never isolate no longer a community, to consider the Jewish community of this city as one of the areas crucial to our identity. We, as Sant'Egidio, we are in this covenant not to forget, which means not tolerate any community - especially the Jewish community - is isolated in city life. A covenant not to forget: this is what is celebrated every October with this exhibition. "(Andrea Riccardi

No future without MEMORIAL voice of a woman survived the death camps
Settimia Spizzichino: The duty to remember

There are things that everyone wants to forget. But I do not. I want to remind all of my life, even that terrible experience which is called Auschwitz in Poland two years (and Germany), two winters, and winter is winter in Poland seriously .. is a murderess, though the cold was not the worst.

This is all part of my life and most importantly it is part of the lives of many others who do not come from the camp. And these people I have the memory: I remember also to tell their story. I swore when I got home, and my connection has been strengthened over the years, especially each time someone dares to say that this has never happened, that's not true.
I have a good memory. And then those two years I have told many times, reporters, television, politicians, school children during the many trips I made to accompany them to Auschwitz ... although not always in the details are entered.
Auschwitz you want to return - even many of those guys they want - and someone seems strange. But why? It's like going to the cemetery to bring a flower and a prayer. - Tell the coach that took us in Poland. It is on the bus you speak when you arrive at Auschwitz and talk about driving things. The few that remained. There is a museum, but the crematoria, gas chambers, the masonry buildings were destroyed. The first time I went back I felt more disappointment than emotion, I did not recognize the place.
In the past fifty years have passed since then, I was often asked to write this book. And I wanted to do, but there were even the relatives of those who have been there, parents, brothers, husbands, children of my companions of the working group. Forty-eight were, and I only got out alive. Many of them I saw them die, to know what happened to others. How to tell a mother, a father, that their daughter died of gangrene of twenty years for the beatings she received from a Kapo? How to describe the madness of some of those girls who loved them? Now many parents, brothers, husbands, there are no more, the wounds are no longer so fresh. To those who still hope I do not do too badly. But now I have to keep the promise I made to forty-seven girls who died in Auschwitz, my companions work. And to all the other millions of deaths of Nazi concentration camps.
Of that group was also my sister Judith. Judith, so beautiful, so fragile, deported with me October 16, 1943. Judith Case inadvertent catch myself and my family.
(From the book "Stolen Years" by Settimia Spizzichino)


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