Friday, October 24, 2008

Pressure Point Fall Asleep

with us at the Circo Massimo

Dear friend, dear friend,
I am writing to ask you to be with us next October 25, participating in the big national demonstration that the Democratic Party has called for that day at Roma.Sarà the final stage of the process that began this summer with the collection of millions of signatures " save Italy "from declining political, economic and moral right of which the government is contributing in a decisive way with his choices, with its decisioni.Si These choices and decisions that have so far played only a fundamental goal, that to protect and safeguard the personal interests of the Prime Minister, and at least two serious results: our country has been brought back to the time of institutional conflicts, and the laws ad personam the confusion between private interests and public affairs, having overturned the proper hierarchy of priorities, leaving the last place the real problems of the Italians, facing a general and widespread impoverishment, and salaries and wages that have lost purchasing power, with pensions are not enough to make ends meet, with savings that are likely to lose their value. All this while the resources for law enforcement are reduced and the right to security of citizens, beyond the high-sounding phrases and demagogic, is less assured than before, and while the school, the real key to the future of our children and the competitiveness of the country, is considered only as a cost to this tagliare.Per the Democrats wanted a big event, because we are concerned about Italy, and because we want to give voice to millions of Italians who have had enough of government policies and waiting for other answers, real answers and concrete, their questions and their bisogni.Io are convinced that the day of 25 October will be another moment of "constituent", another of the moments that define the identity of our party, as was the case throughout the campaign and how it was, of course, first with the extraordinary and memorable participation in the primaries of last Oct. 14, when thanks to you, your civic passion, your desire to be there, was born in a way that is unprecedented in world history and the Party Democratico.È for all this, for the good of Italy and to give impetus to our path of innovation, to be the Democratic Party that is written as a promise in his birth certificate, which must be many in Rome together with us, on 25 October. Walter Veltroni

We decided to make the following appointment to all circles of the Democratic Party in our town hall, to citizens, supporters, together with the associations to make the route of the march behind the banner "PD Hall 19." All participate!

appointment at 13:30 on Saturday October 25 in Piazza della Repubblica at the corner of Mc Donald with the banner "PD Hall 19"


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