Friday, October 10, 2008

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We too have our problem Pincio
Or how to stop groped by a useless, expensive and socially useless, despite the government does not want to listen to reason.

For the past seven years citizens and neighborhood associations and committees of S. Onofrio try to avoid an urban and social havoc: enlargement Triumphant in the stretch of road between the south entrance (Mac Donald) and Piazza Monte Gaudio.

And in the City Council held on 13 June 2008 at the school Nazario Sauro, was finally voted unanimously for an agenda that required the City to suspend work to initiate a participatory process aimed at designing a variant in the course of work to maintain that stretch of road, in fact recognizing the futility of the project.

But - there is always a 'but' - taking advantage of summer break, the work progressed just enough to determine reality no longer editable start laying the curb lane and killing of a number trees with large trunk that characterized one side of the road, ignoring systematically the sequence of letters and the numerous proposals that the Committee S. Onofrio Monte Mario had sent to the competent bodies, hoping (naively) that these were somehow accepted.

On September 17 he was summoned a second city council open to the public, where it was presented the variant promise, but just to be prepared for those technicians who seven years previously had denied any possibility of amending the same project, and without taking into account all the indications proposed by the citizens.

Besides all the variant that is restricted to remain the same project, while preserving the current only roadway in the stretch before the school Nazario Sauro (50 meters at 400).

Almost all of the participants then expressed to the president of Hall 19, LL.PP alderman in the town of Rome City Hall advisers and have 19 total disregard of the participatory approach and the technical content covered by the City Council.

The majority of the municipal council has, however, adopted a resolution that commits the municipality to continue the process involved inviting the representative bodies of citizens in committees responsible to identify and implement solutions to improve such later version.

The committee and citizens, while discouraged for the constant teasing, they will once again willing to offer their selfless contribution, aimed at actually achieving better living in the area where they live and work.

(NB. I took the liberty to make some cuts and minor modifications to the original document sent to the newspaper IGEA)


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