Monday, February 28, 2011

Olives And Chirizo Sausage Appetizer

Ah, smoke rose that was not flame be strong and serene even in the days of adversity fate

When it rains it does not rain in the wet, it rains inside my house. This is a novelty that adds to the many interventions that I should do at home and extends the end of the tunnel. Sometimes I get the feeling of driving a car and losing pieces along the way. How much longer must I have patience before you breathe a sigh of relief? Through my next piece of life: people who buy houses, new clothes, new cars. There are those who arrange their marriage, who offers trips to his girlfriend, who rent the second home, those who inherit it. All people I know well and I want someone good. It is not envy what I feel, but discouragement. "And yet it moves" ... would Galilei.
do not know if there is a scientific explanation as to why it is easy for someone and not for others. Maybe it's just case studies or Fate really exists that I imagined as a child with an old coat, long hair, beard and fingers dry and long. A little 'as God knows they are not the same thing. And I do not care to hear the usual phrase of "think positive". Risk appearing foolish and I do not.
I would say, then, spiteful mannikin that can make me well down the roof on his head, flooding the house, make sure you get to the second flood. I like the rain and I will continue to hate the sun. Although these days I guess buried in the rubble, and immobilized with a huge gecko that I walk on the face. Dear spiteful little man, you can also make my life a hell, but you can not bring myself to hate the things I love since I was born.
It 's true, now I'm down in tone, but I defy anyone who is able, living a life full of contrasts, from walking and jumping, whistling the songs of The Sound of Music. But we are fools? Why pretend to be nice and perky some days I more exhausting than others. Also show the form that others expect from you, but the evening is the whole sum accumulated fatigue: one due to my problems and that due to the fiction.
If I had the opportunity to shut the door behind him and leave out the mundane problems of course I would not be here feeling sorry for himself. E 'as a child that the dark hood difficulties hung inside the house. By dint of living in the fog by force, once met the sun, this offends you eyes.
Someone to love you, say you should only expect to know that things are bound to improve, but I do not believe it. Because I'm older and these dark years will live much longer and because I did not clear the landing that he does. I do things I have to drag them behind me and I hear them on the shoulder and stomach, just like the guy with the wild boar of advertising on his stomach.
I think should give up to feel better again, for the umpteenth time. Losing again to restore peace, or try one last time effort because the thought becomes action, hoping to not end up like Giuseppe Mazzini.

to sleep Some nights I start to read, and instead
I need moments of silence.
Sometimes even with you, and you know I love you, I get angry unnecessarily
no real reason.
On the roads in the morning the traffic is too exhausting to me, I get nervous
traffic lights and the stop sign, and return in the evening with special ailments.
do not need tranquilizers or medications
it takes another life.
on couches, abandoned in a remote hand background stories
Dallas Rich and weep.
Police's third subway line that advances,
and triple parked cars in a row,
and return in the evening with boredom and fatigue.
are not the most exciting or ideologies
it takes another life.


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