Saturday, December 12, 2009

How Much Is A Tara Gold Brooch Worth

cuts to rail services, for the second-class citizens

Immediately after signing a contract with the Region of Marche service agreement attached to the liability of the railway service in the medium and long-distance, and stops existing, Trenitalia has ordered the cutting of important stops, which will worsen the service for commuters and users. v.
Rail transport is not liberalized in Trenitalia Marche in the sense that, not only is the only operator, and benefits from state and regional contributions while applying a charging system is not free, but regulated.
management service contracts with the operator responsible for the region, after decentralization made pursuant to Legislative Decree 422/97 and Decree 400/99.
In general, failure to meet service contracts may require application of penalties corresponding to the deduction of allowances for contributions.
In the Marches, the events did not lead to unite the political forces in order to seek equal status with other regions, which can boast of high speed and greater investment in infrastructure, in relation to the population and the territory served. The crisis
penalizes investment, but not strong in the regions (of the weakness of the other).
investment for high-speed trains in recent years have been huge, and went to the benefit of the stronger regions, such as political influence, which is situated on the Tyrrhenian Sea.
To understand the magnitude of the sums invested, see a study published in the site summary:
There are no comments.
To see how the high-speed network "forgets" this map is useful Brands:
To see how the brands will benefit from lower investment, to strengthen the network, simply by reading the published program at:
the Marches is always served on the empty plate of politics, the chorus of the small region, with few users, which in the logic of the free market must make sacrifices to get to balance between costs and revenues. But what free market?
the ratio of network, territory, population one hand, and economic resources invested in the other, leaving the Marches penalized, and to get an idea just read the numbers in the investment plans for the TAV network and for the ordinary network.
There are companies that are competing in public transport by rail in the Marches, but there are impressive figures and investments in other parts of Italy, mainly.
To defend a stop in Senigallia, Jesi or, just have the return of a thousandth of the difference that separates us from the TAV, and this policy promoted by other regions that make us become citizens of series B.
why our politicians, instead of attacking each other, they should ask for the bill to their national contact points in each party, because each party has just heard of contact Marche. Not just because even heard
united when it comes to making requests peremptory for the good of all without exploitation.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Velveeta Rotel Chicken Pasta Recipe

The yellow derivatives purchased by the City

- Concrete

to worry, no one will know enough to make a complete analysis, the administrative and accounting procedures.
Derivative financial instruments for which the municipality had an observation by the Court of Auditors, will remain a mysterious object, which you will not know enough to write about it.
The Administration has reassured with a virtual pat on the shoulder, the citizens who had expressed a desire to get to know the facts, not polemics, but to understand.
Ultimately, no risk in Senigallia, for derivative contracts entered into by the City, which is not represent, in this case, risky speculative instruments, unlike what happened in other municipalities. This is the message. Believe it or leave it (losing).
Before pulling the final sigh of relief, I note that unfortunately was not able to understand in detail what we're talking about, or rather what it is, despite the request for clarification has been made and the answer seems clear. Many details are lacking, however.
unknown, despite requests, and the research done on the internet and on budget, will remain the decision or determination with which it was decided to arrange the final contract for derivatives.
Also, from what little is known, may have been contracted "Interest rate cap" or keeping your mortgage, which is a fixed-rate loan at a floating rate until the Euribor to the threshold of the fixed rate or a different threshold. This "insurance" is paid in installments over six-monthly installments (if it is at 0.34% to indent the City for the first six-monthly installment paid for insurance an amount of approximately € 3,000.00).
When it is claimed that the resulting overall rate (ie the floating rate of the loan plus the rate of the derivative) was lower than the rate fixed by the bank asked for the loan, it is noted that this comparison may not be complete and useful for us to understand the risk or whether the municipality will in the end we won, because in periods of rising rates (2006) is normal that the Euribor is lower than the fixed rate. We should know if the mortgage or mortgages to be made safe for 5 years, as the derivative, or longer.
Nobody will know in depth the story, and Brancoleria in the dark, until the public is not allowed to know everything I want to know and to participate more.
There are two possibilities: Drink whole or criticize without basis for doing so.
In both cases, the player who takes the bench.
Exercising the constructive criticism is impossible, if there are any data.
Congratulations to those who take the bench.
For now.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What Does Agranite Tombstone Cost

Care and

On 28 April last year for the deployment
which I had proposed to continue my job of municipal councilor
- started two years before in the civil list for Veltroni -
lost a runoff for the government of the City of Rome and the Municipality
I was out for two preferences, but then
and with the help of some friends, I began to realize that that was done only for
obvious irregularities.

Since then, a year-long judicial process
ended - until the beginning of last October
- with the acceptance of the application to the Administrative Court and a ruling
executive who saw me on the preferences prevail per19 counterpart,
declared elected in his stead.

Today, December 1,
with unanimity by the City Council and the congratulations of several
majority of the directors -
with whom I have ever had the pleasure of fighting, but also in maximum
respect of roles and political positions taken - are to be returned
Councillor Hall 19.

I want to thank all the people who
I have been close this year and a half in which
I never lived my exclusion as a political defeat personal
but always as an injustice against those who had decided to choose me over
while other viable choices.

I never stopped doing politics in the territory - on 25 October, a little surprisingly,
are also among the delegates elected to the Assembly's Regional PD -
and continue to do so aware that the trust should not be betrayed.

I will try my best. A hug to all


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Blisters In Puggles Ears

Movement for a primary school to address public Montessori Senigallia. Report of the community center salt.

Saturday, November 28th last, at the Saline community center, was held on the third public meeting of the group of citizens asking for a first grade of primary school to address public Montessori teaching in Senigallia, in the presence of the scientific coordinator of the Opera Nazionale Montessori, Dr . Scocchera ssa Anna Maria Ferri, many concerned parents, teachers and specialists concerned with the method.
The meeting revealed that the initiative does not detract from the public school in Senigallia, but rather enriches it with another service.
regard to method, it was found that the teaching materials and the environment play a crucial role for learning, which takes place according to the inclinations and the natural instinct that every child has to learn: Pre-order method the conditions for learning can take its course according to the natural cycle of life.
In the first years of life, the child has the ability to learn at a higher rate than adults, and thus its ability to be empowered to be able to exert.
The programs are then taken according to individual routes, without sanction and pre-define the behavior of the students, with whom he establishes a relationship of trust, until it is needed the intervention of the teacher to encourage better use of teaching materials , or to overcome obstacles that may create the natural path learning.
Among the measures to be reported, some of those mothers who have requested information on how to manage home the parental relationship with their children and when they attend a school with the Montessori method. Another operation called for the start of a nest and a school for children with public or private address teaching Montessori.
On this point, it was agreed that in the home should not criticize too much, and for example do not take their children to school if there is a commitment to promote their power and no need for any increased sense of responsibility and study.
order to be a Montessori childhood home in Senigallia, the coordinator offered own personal collaboration, which was appreciated.
E 'intervened Councillor for Education Ceresoni Simon who, after having brought the greetings of the Administration announced its interest, even as parents and teachers about the objectives pursued by the group.
This interest was appreciated, but it will be put to the test of facts, when you need to make decisions, and local expertise, towards the end of the year.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What Does The Cervix Mucus Tast Like

Dear Congress Circle Balduina PD 26/27 September 2009 Ignazio Marino

I want to work for something important: the construction of a party involved that does not count, but the current members, progress towards reform, gathering the change request by Italy need.

A secular party that is born from the best experiences of the socialist tradition and Catholic, to which I have always been inspired, and that protects the needs of the weakest and watch over the integrity of political behavior.

I'd love a political force that was different from that in the past two years, during which we were better at fighting to bring in our party rather than to challenge a ruling coalition at the same time ridiculous and dangerous, which is undermining the democratic foundations of our country.

E 'a few days ago on charges "internal" directed by the secretary to a regional group, the local authority of the PD of Rome, which would have been guilty of consociational and weak opposition, no longer do their job in return appointments to municipal utilities.
Accusations serious, very serious but if you say only at the stage Preconvention and more targeted at those who argue a point different from that advocated by the prosecution, generate a legitimate doubt be instrumental to the struggle of motions, all inside the PD

Meanwhile, in Calabria, the numbers go crazy:
In the province of Catanzaro, Bersani takes 180 votes, 36 Franceschini, for a total of 216 votes cast in a circle with only 162 members. A pitcher, still in Calabria: the circle has only 5 members, while voters are 36.

But this is the party that I want? This is the party that we want? This is not the
part of the current of consociativismo, or that the cards that can give impetus to the political perspective and all of us.
For we must aim high from the bottom up, looking to the area to ensure a wider involvement of citizens and associations.

We must build a new generation of leaders who take decisions clear and unambiguous, not influenced by pressure groups. Going beyond the usual "sum of the two old elites", which incorporated former divisions and preventing the emergence of new energies and skills, continuing to drag the party and contested in the status quo at the summit of the currents.

E 'for That's why two months ago, I decided to support the candidacy of Senator Ignazio Marino. A person "outside game", not stiff in the internal dynamics of party secretaries, whose candidacy is based on a very strong cultural values \u200b\u200band principles upheld without compromise.

Today, after meeting him, I listened and listened to the belief that it can truly represent the real alternative, the only real possibility for change. Because I believe in the inclusion
against any discrimination in the capacity of each made available to the collective growth.
The Democratic Party of Ignazio Marino is my party, because it enhances the merit and courage to produce innovation, because once again the fore the issue of legality and respect for the rules.

We organizational systems capable of mobilizing members. But we have a great desire to spend on politics, the noble, though, that we are passionate about because it solves problems, one that ensures all because it is not against anyone, although it is a party. What brings content sometimes leaving aside the simple strategy.
The strategy sometimes here among us in this circle, has become the central topic; an end and not half.

us leave things concrete, let's get a chance to raise through the construction of a coherent and united party that poses as a government force finally believable.
invest in a PD project rooted in society, operated in an open and plural with Ignazio Marino National Secretary and the Secretary with our regional friend Ileana Argentin, with passion and courage has always been to Rome and beyond, a point reference with regard to social policies and civil rights.


A final nod to the important work done for the Motion Marine / Argentina by some members of this circle on the issue of participation.
We think it is important to make the circles places participatory, lively, serving the neighborhoods and surrounding communities. Places of cultural integration and political discussion, proposals and scrutiny of the party and government.
So we built a document that the Motion Marine has agreed to assume as a basis for discussion, to propose to 11 October. It can be found on our website ( ).
motion in support of the candidacy of Senator. Ignazio R. Marino secretary of the Democratic Party


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Total Womanamber Lynn

Italy disposable

Illegal immigrants: torurali! E 'self-defense. I could not believe my eyes when I read this slogan, which was launched on the Facebook page of one of the sections of the party's semi-dying Bossi.
have always been convinced that with respect to certain values, which I call human and non-Christians, because they are not the prerogative of a faith, but man, we were all equal, that a common denominator in the genes of all living things could exist. But it is not. It is not the first time that history teaches us.
That man is capable of doing and saying things beyond all imagination, unfortunately, a darker truth is historical and anthropological.
The sense of helplessness in me the conviction that there is the possibility of dialogue with the "people" who embody this level of ignorance and sensitivity, without any form of reasoning.
aside and said that the human level, the account moves to the political.
How can I get rid of a party that occupies unconstitutional even though "legally" the seats of the Italian Parliament of that country that would like to see the Northern League split. "Thieving Rome" is their battle cry, yet sit comfortably on the benches of power stealing our money. Are spreading along the ally PDL, a culture of lawlessness and immorality never seen before, as you portray it as the advocates of safety and we won the elections with this promise.
We must be afraid of poor human beings ferried to Italy, to escape war, famine, or of these dangerous individuals who have brilliant ideas, such as patrols (nothing but the transposition of the modern fascist squads), the closure or 'impediment to the construction of Muslim places of worship, which defend local dialects even when they have a knowledge of Italian?
Who are the real thieves? Always the poor immigrants who steal a loaf of bread to feed them or defamed this country also taking our money? Or Tanzi, Fiornai, the "noble thieves, those who have sent in suits to bankrupt dozens of families?
Italy is not divided between North and South, but between two justices, two different moral, for use and consumption.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Make A Game Like Poptropica


From Jerusalem and Palestine some preliminary ideas: The Wailing Wall



Walls and martyrs

"The 'wall:

Other walls:

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Norfloxacine And Alcohol

With the Democratic Party primary

I believe in an Italy different, I believe in the culture of merit, in solidarity, while respecting the rules, in equal rights tutti.Credo that it is necessary to leave the best energies of this country to create a peaceful and modern country, which makes road courage, ability, hope for a job with a decent wage that values \u200b\u200beach individuo.Perchè anyone can build the future with confidence, making your own sogno.Su this road we are anti, free spirit and ready to engage - without being pushed or supported by current - to finally bring in Italian politics in our country and a wave of nuovo.In particular I believe that Senator Ignazio Marino may well embody the "new" in the best sense of the word: Marino is not the person who had a history of former and having a secular vision of the state, although a Catholic, and wanting to give the proper value to merit and not the "membership", could be that turning point that so long aspettiamo.Per this reason I would urge the membership of the Democratic Party, to sign his congressualeL'iscrizione candidacy phase must be completed within July 21 and the same would be good to sign the form (which can be downloaded from the official website of the National PD) with an indication of the candidate, the signatures by July 23 for subscription and Applications must be filed. E 'was also set up a website to collect and organize volunteers to assist the Committee in support of the candidacy of Ignazio Marino.
The link is: want you can subscribe and spread ... A hug

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Final Fantasy Lightning Hair Dye

the security issue and the Mayor ALEMANNO

one year now in our city are increasing attacks, violence against women, theft ... the juvenile delinquency is growing dramatically as well as micro crimes, organized crime infiltrates the ever more widespread in our manufacturing base;

Before I read the newspapers and we indignantly. Now we are personally affected and begin to have real fear of not being able to turn safely in the streets.
seems to have become a fact "normal" carry a knife ready for use. It seems that in this city we are losing the sense of respect for his life and the lives of others.

A month ago, 'Quarter Garbatella, two guys were behind cowardly attacked, insulted and chased down the street: one of them was caught and stabbed in the leg.

Two months ago the City of Rome "forgot" - and then find a loophole of convenience to repair the seriousness of the act - to become a civil party to the proceedings for the gang rape against two Dutch nationals, which took place in August in Ponte Galeria last year during the government Alemanno! This lightness makes us reflect on the knowledge that the City has over intention to tackle the problem seriously, despite the adoption 'unanimously' that the act of committing to a civil in all cases of rape against women committed in Rome.

Last January 21 - just days before the other terrible violence committed against a minor in the park of Caffarella and a few days after what the news recalled how New Year's rape - a woman aged 41 was brutally raped in our Town Hall in the area of \u200b\u200bbeing Quartaccio Andersen.
To date we have still not given to know the culprits!
Citizens have requested several times - even with the collection of signatures - an open confrontation with President and City Council that were found with the most appropriate solutions ... But, probably, the difficulty of the problem made it impossible for this comparison, if that is not in fact ever held!

The comparison was held instead in an open council the problem with the small Roma camp in via Lombroso equipped, here behind the complex of Santa Maria della Pietà.
Our Municipality has approached it promised to the citizens of Monte Mario, who would sweep away the threat Roma - when in reality it is people rather than integrated - el'avrebbe actually moved into a new field to be set up in an unidentified area of suburb of Tragliatella.
All this, of course, unbeknownst to the inhabitants of Tragliatella, because the advice of the Executive open Millions are made where there is expected applause and not where it is feared that the whistles!!

Dear Mayor, certainly not us having to explain to that public policy should be ensured so with repression but also with the work of prevention and involvement.
seems unfortunately clear that with regard to the rapes, the right hand knows not help but speculate.
The City of Rome in recent years has opened two centers and funded anti-violence and created the International House of Women at the Good Shepherd. This is an example of practical, everyday.
But the current reality is that local police personnel without means and undersized, the police closing the Commissioner, the bats still in the garage for repair and not yet allocated money for overtime.
How do you intend to control the territory if you turn off the lights and cameras located in sensitive areas do not work?
The security is now turning to the facts and put an end to months of demagoguery fueled by the campaigns of the right, unnecessary for the public and intended only to food insecurity and fear.

With regard to decisions to be made to the problems of nomadic peoples and local residents is the case to clarify the concept of Roma camp must be overcome.
And 'necessary - starting with the relocation and redefinition of the fields - to give a tangible sign of the inclusion of the Roma populations, it is time to work for appropriate inclusion and recognition of citizenship of the Roma on Roman territory.
Children need to see the guaranteed 'opportunities to attend school and once they become adults - as already happens in many cases - have the opportunity of regular work to date condition made impossible by the lack of identity papers, despite it is, in most cases, people born in this city.

You must use the funds available to prevent spontaneous settlements that produce chaos and intolerance, not to reduce the remaining fields equipped and expand, helping to aggravate the situation and to multiply the management of pain and danger.
And the promise of an armed security outside the camps can not help but make them more ghettos, more and more away from a possible integration ...

mayor, his campaign was conducted and won an emphasis on the safety factor.
But this is the security that we promised?
With slogans and propaganda will not resolve the problems. It takes an idea and integration of companies that will stop this wave of violence because

Rome, July 6, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

Tingling Or Burning In Urethra


An update on our project in Ancon de Sardinas.
have so far been purchased: 40
pupitres (at school).
pizzarras 2 (boards) of 2.40 m to 1.20 m.
5-shelf libraries of1, 70X0, 90X0, 48.
6 locks on the doors of the classes.
40 plastic chairs. But
are only part of what will be implemented in these classrooms.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Dry Before My Period?

What does the opposition

of Nadia Urbinati

mutations concern the ways of politics, and the disappearance of the role of the opposition, at this stage of democracies.
There is a phenomenon that unites democracies and countries of different continents, with more or less solid constitutional traditions, with governments of left and right: The fraying and helplessness of the opposition. In the U.S., the victory of Obama and the Democratic Party has been accompanied by an unprecedented collapse of the Republican Party, which despite the radicalization of the reactionary language of some of its leaders fails to regain credibility with its own electorate, and most importantly it is unable to define a policy that is serious and effective opposition. You say the defeats are always accompanied by disappointment and loss in those who subisce.Nulla new under the sun. Is it not true that after Reagan's victory had fallen to the same fate as the Democratic Party that took two decades to be reborn? Yet there seems to be something new. In Brazil, for example, President Lula is in his second term and has a very wide popularity, such as that of our Prime Minister, Sarkozy and Obama. Unlike other countries, its majority has a history of longer duration and this should have allowed the opposition to better equip its role and refine the language and strategy. Instead, as observers also note that share the policies of President Lula, the test giving himself the minority parties (both the extreme left and above right) is deludente.Eppure a government that makes good policy and consensus has not has less need to be pressed by the opposition of a government that is bad policy and a tight consensus. In Europe, the situation is no different. In France, the Socialist Party does not enjoy better health of our Democratic Party, and dissatisfaction of his constituents is less pronounced. Pierre Rosanvallon had the opportunity to comment of the reasons for the recent crisis of the French left and noted that it is misleading to talk generically about the crisis of ideologies. In fact, to be in crisis is only the ideology that comes from defeat elezioni.L 'identification with the athletic competition of the elections, the electoral outcome in terms of reading-and-defeat victory is a sign indicating that to understand I would call the syndrome of the futility of post-election political discourse. Suffrage, as we know, has two rights: to form a majority (the votes are counted) and to be represented (the votes translate into seats). The second is no less important than the first because Parliament to enjoy a legitimacy not only in theory, should be able to reflect the higher number of components of the ideal society, even those who did not win. Who has "lost" the election is absent from the executive but it is not and can not be absent from Parliament. In this sense it is incorrect to use the language of victory and defeat because it suggests the idea - is misleading and dangerous - which counts only those who vince.Nell 'perspective of victory and defeat, the opposition seems to have no other role than to testify the losers of the winners from the public. And the loser in a competition which generates only one who wins is certainly useless or helpless, do not count. But this is neither logic nor the process that operates in a representative democracy, even if it is true that the electoral system are proportional to those predisposed to support this mentality. But the intensity of the problem that manifests itself today goes beyond the function of electoral systems and calls into question the political culture, if you want the ethos, the thinking that takes shape public opinion. Contemporary democracies seem to be more and more governments in the majority, not just systems in which the participants agree to parliamentary decisions according to the principle of majority. The ethics of the race for victory is a sign of a reversal of participation in the construction of national policy, it is clear that even those who have not won a majority helps determine national policy: he does is because it sits in parliament and his vote is decisive, however, even if it is only to record the outcome of a vote, and because its presence is still active, through the voice, the challenge and the ability to influence a bill. The work has great dignity and opposition voting in a party that does not win is not a vote perso.Ma the ideology that seems to dominate the field today is the one that would have us believe that the popularity polls of the opposition makes it useless that the majority alone should govern and that leaders should be like a permanent campaign. An element that can not escape this political celebrity and the head of the majority is the deposing of the legislative assemblies. The Parliament shall lapse to the extent that only the majority has a voice and visibility. The function of the opposition is crucial also for this reason - his defeat numerical never translated into a defeat of his political role, because her voice and presence are our guarantee of democratic freedom. More than that: the political opposition is the repository of our conviction that democratic change is not a utopia. There should be imposed not to listen to the sirens of the futility of the ideology of the losers because the democratic process ensures that there is not end of story.

La Repubblica, May 7, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hiw Di You Get A Rainbow Puffle?


trittico3 13-3
Here are some pieces to read to understand who we are today:
Courage forgotten


In lager


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Why Men Wear Women's Underwear


missed our wall.
After one between the U.S. and Mexico, after the one in Palestine, the Mediterranean here. Attempts
barricades, walls, steep in defense of fortresses, behind which people can continue their sad and pitiful life.
Sitting comfortably on the sofa, unable to react guiltily complicit in one of the biggest shames of our times. Politicians and exult
describe these days as historians, they are actually guilty of violations of international law and have blood on their hands for the tragic fate which has condemned the poor people.
But the Africans did not make the news, I can die, on condition that they do so away from here.
sad day, barbaric days.
And the people silent, cowardly, anesthetized by advertising.
Today I am ashamed to be Italian.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Maytag Performa Washer Pavt234aww Manual

not be afraid! Yet another

In a moment that seems to prevail over hatred, the closure, contempt, malice, willingly publicize a campaign to openness, acceptance, integration.
Against Racism.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009

Hittin' Dat White Azz

who sings out of the chorus is

of Eugenio Scalfari • 19-Apr-09
The fact that the current President of the Council at its mercy has its own private television company and the entire public company. .. shape, therefore, a situation that has no counterpart in any democracy in the world.

You can not start with the appointments to the Rai. Other newspapers minimize the air to say that you have always done so: Rai is owned by the government and therefore the government has the power to decide by passing on his instructions Obedient majority of the Board. It 's true, but basically always been the case with some differences of no small importance. The first difference is this: no government, except those led by Silvio Berlusconi, has never been available to commercial television, that is the other half of the sky television. The fact that the current President of the Council at its mercy has its own private television company and the entire public company (except the Indian Reservation Raitre will last as long) and then set up a situation that has no counterpart in any democracy in the world. I do not know whether it is true that the appointments have been decided the other night at the meeting of three hours in the home premier Roman. And 'certain is that the names proposed by the Director General Masi will be ratified without a murmur from the Board of RAI and next Wednesday will be all "families" of Berlusconi, from his private television or newspapers, or caught between its young hopefuls already in 'welcoming of the public aquarium, I tested the custodians of Berlusconi in the media circuit. There is unfortunately only one person who has never shown a glimmer of independence, a leap of professional dignity, a doubt the absolute truth preached by the Chief.
This is a scandal, this is the shame, which then little so-called independence that still exists in the Italian press is now adapting for addiction at the most expresses some low rumbling soon followed by rebukes opposition, guilty of ideologies and conservatism. The picture is bleak. The effects are visible to everyone. The control of the media not only serves to procure votes but also to transform the anthropology of a nation. And it is this transformation that barbaric our society, he de-constructed, de-politicized, fragmented, unstable emotions only sensible and insensible to the logic and rationality. Whoever disagrees is a communist. And these signatures of intellectuals or so-called accrediting this and cultural destruction that lie. So I will dedicate to ruin the predicted result of my argument.

* * * Fifteen years ago I attended the presentation of a book by Achille Occhetto the foreign press club in Rome, at that time the correspondent of a German newspaper asked me what purpose would the communists after the Communist Party had dropped to nettles its name and its ideology. I replied that the Communists had to die so their children and grandchildren to the seventh generation. Only when they were all physically extinct would have ended the controversy over them. In fact it is what has happened and is happening again and because we are still far from the seventh generation the anathema against them continues and will continue for a while. Not only is his favorite theme from our premier Bonaiuti and in turn, has also become the highlight of many beautiful minds that the shadow of transhumant passed by anti-revisionism of "Lotta Continua" and "workers' power 'to' anti-right. For them, the Communists now have become an obsession, one sees the presence everywhere, feed their nightmares and their ramblings and all the evils attributed to the communists of old, recent, current and future facing Italian politics. The Communists. The Italian Communist Party. The Italian left. Are still with us. Are by no means disappeared. They are not extinct. Were not renegades. Until this final washing Italy will not be made will be in jeopardy and with it democracy. It has borne the brunt of the latest book by Aldo Schiavone who responded to the barrage of which was targeted in an article on "Republic" a few days ago. With biting irony Schiavone asked his interlocutors: What do you want me to do? Shall I commit suicide? However, if you are content promovessi a chanting procession of penitent who walk the streets of Italy flagellation and ask for forgiveness for the sin of having been in the Communist Party? The answer is not arrived yet but it is certainly the one I had earlier in 1994 at the dawn of Berlusconi's star: You must die to the seventh generation. Dear Aldo Schiavone, there is no other atonement that it is enough to cancel your mortal sin.

* * * Of those who honor me with their friendship is Alfredo Reichlin. We have more or less the same age, we know and we estimate half a century even though our cultural experiences have been very different. He joined the Communist Party at the time of the Resistance, I'm a liberal culture and that even if I was after the death of Ugo La Malfa I have always voted for the Communist Party, then the DS and finally to the Democratic Party that is more in line with My liberal-democratic ideas. Reichlin wrote a few years ago a book with Miriam Mafai and Vittorio Foa, who has been very successful and was brought on stage by Luca Ronconi. The question that arose was that book just because a Democrat is able to become a communist and what they will do the Communists after communism has disappeared from the political scene in the world. Among the responses there is one that sums up Reichlin: The Communist Party has certainly made many mistakes, he shared an ideology wrong, he even covered some crimes, but is not actually a descent on Italy as a meteorite. The question therefore is this: because the Italian company has made possible the birth of a party like the Communist Party, to which they are entered or for which they voted and middle-class workers, craftsmen and farmers, Marxists and liberals, atheists and believers? Which at its peak has reached the quantity of the Christian Democratic votes? That Aldo Moro was associated over the years lead to the government of the country? This question deserves serious analysis. At least as serious as the other question speculate, because the Italian company has now made possible the emergence of Berlusconi and gave him a superpower that increasingly resembles a regime? With one difference between the two questions: think about the Communist Party has become over the years matter for historians, think about Berlusconi is an issue now and for damn politics and not yet history.

* * * It is said that now there is no difference between left and right. They invent new classifications, for example that between liberals, moderates, conservatives. Speeches unnecessary and quite annoying. School. Far from reality. Today's theme is the relationship between the ideals of modernity: liberty equality fraternity. I've already written on other occasions: the modern age was born of this triptych of principles and has shown signs of decline all the time that this triptych was weakened in the conscience and politics. The issue today is to reduce inequality without endangering freedom. This distinguishes left from right. We must translate into political action. We need to change the anthropology of the country. We must overcome the indifference and apathy. We must resist to build the future.
by La Repubblica April 19, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Canine Oral Papillomas Therapy


On the bus to L'Aquila met a technician who works in the underground laboratories of Gran Sasso; describes Giuliani (the one who predicted the earthquake) as his colleague because they worked in the same space though scientific programs on a completely different and even though he had shared with only a few jokes every now and then: ... sad and shameful that BARONI Italians do not have the courage to make choices that go beyond the defense of their small garden, and he warned everyone had the opportunity to those who may decide to save lives, but nothing has been done ... except denounce and distance ... " with bitter sadness I share every view the entire Italian ruling class.
not guilty decisions taken to save lives, besides scientific opportunity that will not be thorough in the future because it would mean admitting you were wrong (but they will sleep soundly with all those people on your conscience? Not lose hope of seeing them in jail).
adds: "but this is our old ruling class, I trust in the young Italian ... ", let me share this too but I can not ...
arrival in town, walking with the backpack on the streets outside the historic walls, slowly I realize what makes these strange streets, walking nobody, and nobody lives there; a city ghost, hundreds of uninhabited buildings, I begin to understand.
Instead we see thousands of vehicles, fire trucks, where every civilian guards, police, army, police, finance, forestry corps, Red Cross, local police ....
Within the first field, the colorful uniforms of civil protection are everywhere, maybe they're more displaced persons.
The beautiful large blue tents are neatly divided by alleys called "path of hope, street reconstruction, street optimism."
The food is good, the smiles of young volunteers are reassuring, the organization is perfect.
But there are though.
In another, a young doctor who rushed Aquilano from Milan, where he currently works says "the first two days were hell, seemed to be at war, there was nothing the doctors were unavailable, the organization non-existent; relief arrived immediately, but no one knew what to do. A practitioner of city \u200b\u200btook control of the situation (and in fact yesterday was called to Rome by the Ministry), but where they were and where are the other doctors of the city? and especially where are the leaders of the local health facility? ".
In the area where I sleep, more than 10 days after the showers do not work yet, and nobody knows when it will happen.
kindergarten where she was transferred to a part of a municipal building, a young architect on the team's first improvised emergency says "began in the early hours to get everything, but nothing had prepared and organized, even civil defense, eight truck full of meat were whole days on the highway, no one knew where to stock ... ".
As the hours pass I begin to understand some things about these people, proud, hard, not spring, but above all very ironic, the jokes are wasted on their tragedy, the young among them are called "earthquake of shit" .
Other young people in the evening before the sausages cooked in a garden, they ask each other: "because my neighbor's house, built two years ago and bought hundreds of thousands of euro has fallen?", "Because all the buildings are intact Fascist? "," who authorized the rebuilding of some roofs that have wrecked the underlying structure? " "We felt the tremors from December, but no one was prepared, why?" , questions that will not be answered.
No part of the homes, many sleeping in tents, many on the coast, many in the tent in the garden, and at night it is cold, there is obvious fear, awareness of the tragedy, irony and a desire to share the activities reopen.
A group of people told me of a state funeral: "people cried, a few cheers for the speeches of the bishop and the Pope's personal secretary, the usual words of fact, the only one that has attracted the applause of all was Imam ... yes, believe me (others argue about, seeing me visibly surprised) is the only that used real words, you know ... ". Allocation
, I say "We are enormously grateful for the help came from all over Italy, we hope that in two months, when the lights are off, do not forget us" .
Yes, hopefully.