Friday, December 31, 2010

Putting Cheats On Gpsphone No Computer

aging time in quickly

I seem to play the hangman game. Standing on the stool, the rope around his neck and a single point from play. The stool goes away if I'm wrong and I was left hanging from the tree. Another year has flown by, but is it really so significant this year old? Scan the passage of time is really necessary? Would it matter if the time spent in a single solution? You are born, grow, die. Fine.
This need to shape the time is exhausting when you're young, because time seems to pass ever and so is large because we realize that the aging time in quickly. Nothing is eternal. I am not feeling, is not life and are not situations. It would be better if I turn into a mineral. It is not forever, but live longer, without emotions or shocks that could disturb him. A little 'what I call "I stand by the window." Observe the people live, but you're taking cover behind the glass.
From behind the window you can see many things. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I have to look out the window of my office. The building opposite has been whitened, but lives in are always the same. What a bore.
I met an English girl who chose to live here. I wonder why. He had a globe of choices. Not shortage of money and opportunity. He chose this place infamous. I'd like to see the city through the eyes of this girl. I could find the gems? Or I would see as it is and it's only a matter of taste?
do not know, while I adapted to close the year too. I do not want the contrarian though, to put it as Gucci .... not bind myself to this group, black sheep die!
I close the last post of the year by not listing the good intentions for the new year that much, can not keep. Sentence of Oscar Wilde was never more true .... And I do not consider myself weak person.
Good intentions are useless attempts to interfere with scientific laws. They come from pure vanity. The result is nothing at all. Every now and give us one of those tailings and voluptuous emotions that have a certain charm on weak people. That's it. They are nothing but bad checks.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Foot Arch Pain From Ice Skating

clouds yesterday on our future Odierno (routine) - Elio e le Storie Tese

Yes, we approach the Christmas Eve dinner. What you look at the plates decorated Christmas theme and beautiful until you leave the horrid food Squirting not ruin them.
you would like to eat Dinner with lighted candles, a background of Christmas music, Christmas trees and glittering in perfect harmony instead is a step by step of food, cries of spoiled children and older people uneducated.
Finally there are the gifts. Those who, traditionally, should appear under the tree on the morning of December 25 and, conversely, are opened punctually at eight in the evening of Dec. 24 to make the children feel good.
to my house and left alone for a child who is eight, but then you add a couple of adults who are no different. Scratch away at the event and I have panic attacks. We hope that at least this year, remember to make good wishes. But really I want so much then?
Every year I have to endure what you holds out his hand soft and sticky. What do you pop two kisses on the cheeks and a pound of saliva. What you are confusing our mind because of gallons of perfume. What makes the care of garlic. Fortunately, there is what baceresti happy not only at Christmas, but also to St. Stephen, New Year, Epiphany, and every day that God grants you, over and under the mistletoe, front, back and also inside the fireplace!
But most of all, I hate those who do not kiss your cheek direct the mouth, full of burgundy lipstick on the collar of his shirt. In this case we must be ready and drop a few inches back arching his back. It seems a complicated gymnastics, but it is not. We must, however, be fast and well coordinated movements. Otherwise you risk that the nose is smeared on the humerus, as a brooch, or even worse, in the chest, risking the effect Sacred Heart of Jesus
Luckily I grew up, because when I was a child, a relative of mine was torturing me biting my cheeks. What hurts .... And that sucks ... especially. Yuck! These are serious injuries. Mica to joke about. And they say they are unfriendly. Try to spend decades at the mercy of people like that and then I just want to see if you still want to even a small physical approach to the relationship.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Venison Neck Roast Recipe Slow Cooker

dear friend with the Porsche Cayenne

dear friend with the Porsche Cayenne, you almost mowed
this morning me and a poor boy who went to school with a huge backpack behind. You emerge from the curve in the road at full speed even bother because you have hindered the path. In fact, you did a pretty hyped with his right hand. The left hand holds the phone was busy. I guess when you get in your car and luxury are the only one you. The rest is garbage if it was not willing to tread down that may contaminate your tires racing.
It is not the first time that such behavior takes. Yes, it's always you. There are a lot like your car around and, admit it, this makes you immensely proud.
Sin makes you notice more for cafonaggine for the elegance of the vehicle. I'd like to meet you face to tell you what I think of you. Not that you care or you must import it, but it is necessary for someone to remove the veil before the eyes (in your case mortadella) that prevents you from seeing reality.
You're not the prince on a white horse. You're like those women who dress up and make-up to be grotesque. Your car is your facing him and you're really bad.
do not even know what it means to be stylish. The elegance is in the detail, subtle, but you will notice, apart. A person driving your car with elegant nonchalance. Why is not interested in showing luxury. But you will only feed the admiring glances of others, but I must say that they do not collect many. Do you think you have achieved the ultimate honor of having bought a car (which, it is a little Truzzi) and I believe in right to do what you want from a few inches more ground.
Too bad then, when you descend from the cockpit, you lose all you earned and reduce centimeters below the limit of average height. You're practically a dwarf. Today, when I saw you get out of your spaceship I stopped angry with you and I laughed. You are a pathetic little dwarf and common boy as a below-average intelligence think that the car payments that do not have. I thought you had just a hair, but sin also in height.
put aside some sgallettata worse than you, who would never have to deal with a representative of cafonaggine so sublime? You are what you drive in the summer with his arm out the window, bring the gold chain with a crucifix format fake, turn up the collar of his polo, moreover, to slip into tight jeans and wears glasses on his forehead. Your face is always tanned and you're at the bar with his legs apart, one hand on the sunny side and head back to school until the last drop of coffee.
I'll bet you've never opened a book your life. Readers not only are more learned, but learn to be comfortable with the community. You are a monkey forest in the middle of the debutantes' ball. Too bad that there are more monkeys around and less novices

Monday, December 20, 2010

Remote Ignition System Car

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone. Even those who would like to kick from morning to evening.

Merry Christmas to Santa Claus I've been waiting since I was a child, but he has lost the home address.

Merry Christmas to my dear colleagues especially those who have done nothing all year except for the hair curling around the right hand and index sculettare, with legs in O, for the corridor.

Merry Christmas to relatives snakes. Those who call for all the grandchildren's birthday cards, except me. Those who think that the family members are all more poor, unfortunate, underprivileged, unfortunate, bad, but smarter than me.

Merry Christmas to those who do not look at me in the face because they thought that the choice of my life were to be held with them. Of course! I will have had amnesia.

Merry Christmas to those with simple, small gestures I were closer than those who claim long-time friends. Merry Christmas

black mannikin that makes my life impossible. I wish that you still enjoy it for a long time at my expense. It will be a pest if it is better to do.

Merry Christmas to my mom stresses me with phone calls asking if I'm okay, if I eat and sleep and if I cover well before leaving. Pity not the sort has ever asked what I wanted to do with my life.

Merry Christmas Dad continues to live in his world, mistaking it for real. Maybe it's just a representative of a parallel world, parallel but just because you do not meet with the real world.

Merry Christmas to all those who sin of citizenship. After a while they will live in total anarchy and will be happy about this. Greetings!

Merry Christmas to those who wanted to but myself and one friend had an ulterior motive.

Merry Christmas to those who I wanted as a friend and I can not make me such.

Finally ... Merry Christmas to me that I had a lot of ideas in my head and now they are all rotten corpses inside a drawer. I just hope I learn to know myself well sell sooner or later. Too bad that the only time I have before me is more about what I ate.

Properly Reheat Dungeoness Crab

I reappeared

This year the Christmas spirit has taken a different turn. To begin with I bought a tree of half of what I had. I decorated with purple, as in previous years, not because it is trendy, but because I even went to the hall of my withered brain to spend money on unnecessary things purely. I have thrown at random four Christmas ornaments scattered among the hood of the kitchen and fireplace. I rolled a garland the railing of the many stairs in my house and Merry Christmas to everyone.
So, then, after days and days of waiting, everything will be resolved before a dinner full of confusion, in a lunch as usual confused and upset stomach.
Moreover, after waiting since August my week's holiday season, already on the second day I was a nice bill bronchitis. Even the little man pulling against me? It 'just a big bastard.
I explained, to no avail, my beautiful creations. They are on the shelves of a library in the center. Christmas decorations seem simple, but they are my creatures and are also for sale. It 'was my fault. I had to develop a plan for selling more organized, but I'm working hard. Revolutionizing the way I am.
But, what a great satisfaction to see their creatures on display. Most of the children.
would be a nice Christmas present if I could turn a passion into something more. Especially now that the office begin to fall heads worse than during the French Revolution.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Boson Netsim User Guide 6.0

For all the lonely souls who glances

not become
stroking the leaf
that knows no autumn
and can not fall
(December 2010)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Desktop Uv Inkjet Printer

Your thoughts have a dog in church all kicking

borrows from Elasti: "When you touch his hand with a viable alternative, a worm creeps into you and your world is in danger of losing its meaning and your milestones begin to waver."
Taking the heat of the work I do not notice the passing of time and I find that the lunch has already arrived. Meanwhile I suffered the usual abuse than those who think the boss (and it would be), but do the best of a bad job, or at least I try. I think real life is all that's left out there, I remain very little sin. Should I get a real life to be concentrated in only five hours a day. The rest I sleep well. To wake up rested and happy and come back in here in this zoo. In five hours, I put the fun, the duties and obligations of household, personal care and hygiene, care for people close to me, dinner, and some show on TV. My life outside work has the capacity of a washing machine filled with two pounds stuff that weighs five.
And 'interesting to see how things change in here, but it's still all the same. The parasites were those who deserve and can choose whether to run or leave paw. I chose the second solution. Maybe it's just because of my name and my mediocre nature.
not be ugly or beautiful. Or stupid, or super smart. Plus get behind a horrible name and a surname made me poor, indeed. Who is poor is to be invisible, to lead a life invisible and gray. The gray, unfortunately, does not give me at all. I decided that I do not want the responsibility of giving birth to a son mediocre, unless it is able to find a name that will allow him to have a place in history: Roger, Lucrezia, Marcantonio, Gerardo, Geneva ... I begin to hate my parents. What they taught me? None. Only that the family is a closed core and suffocating. What you always worry about how it is never morally and physically. That we must be content to go further because it is not granted. That one is born with good or bad you feel like a star and try to change things. Lessons that I have never served because since childhood I started to put his nose out the window of my house. It grew more and more these tips seem silly. The more I tried to understand and less justified as I was raised. So, beyond the affection that I can bind to members of the family, I can not be there to stand for more than ten minutes without feeling a sense of suffocation and boredom. Get away from this place, it could be also a good excuse for me to see as little as possible without feeling guilty.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Scope Mount For Hawken Muzzleloader


raise their hand and wiggle in the chair for the urge to respond. They come home gleefully, confident that the world revolves because of them. Dispense wisdom and know everything you talk about movies of all directors. Talk about music and all of the collections of all genres. You talk about literature and are also writers, scientists and science, medicine and doctors. You do not have sciatica, but the lumbar sciatica, do not take aspirin, but aspirin. Ugh, give yourself calm down. But what you must never show? You are boring and troublesome? That there is instinct, of course. Take a tranquilizer, a benzodiazepine indeed!
Although the earthquake has shaken the hearts and things, everything was back as if nothing had happened. Whoever did it does not, who did make it even more.
"We must tighten the belt, start with the hardships, then what will be," he said, the handsome guy with the church's feet and the moncler to protect it from wind. Me with my bag and commonplace Carpisa sneakers follow the advice. All the more so I can not win, the less opportunities as I now do not. They are eight inches from the bottom. You have to see if they touch you with grace, like a sheet of paper knocked out a window, or I'll let it go like a stone in weight over a precipice.

I love those who do not know how to live even if they are those who fall because they are the ones that cross. I love the big
disdainful, why are the great adorers are arrows of longing to the other side.
Thus Spake Zarathustra

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bergen County Indoor Basketball Courts

The rest is eternal while it lasts

The photos I posted are not the result of my taste for the macabre. They reflect the injustices suffered by bodies of people who died so long ago (not so long ago).
So last week I went to the cemetery and saw that they were scattered around the human remains. I wrote angrily to a newspaper that dealt with the matter, published my complaint and spoke with those responsible. Result: the bones are just the result of a time and turned the earth. The answer I was not convinced.
Yesterday I went to the cemetery, everything seemed in order, but NO. Other bones surfaced. Pure pretty big. You want to turn and turn the earth, these are pieces of people that are lost when you dislodge to make room for more recent deaths. Because of space it is. All this eagerness to bury, bury, create niches and tombs family size requires space and since space is purchased (and sooner or later will become the largest cemetery of a city alive) it is better to chase away those who are no longer visited by their loved ones.
I wonder why those who are left are always destined to become outcasts. Why should leave room for those who are loved, mourned, visited, decorated with stone angels, saints in vogue, lights and colorful flowers. I think it's wrong and bad. If my house is not to find anyone that will authorize the municipality to evict to make room for a family that receives people happy?
One day they bury me, nobody will come to see me evicted. When will the resurrection of the body will be a whole look, look. Some will miss a tibia, the phalanx to someone, someone in the humerus, the luckier teeth. We stand before the Judgement of God crippled, maimed, without a head. The latter, however, as the gospel, will be the first. All compounds nice and tidy. Bleahhhh!
And if the injustice is not enough, entering through the narrow streets of the cemetery you can see some interesting sight. Bare left lying around, empty, or half empty. In short, approaches October 31, the night of witches, I think that in the city have not decided to adapt to trends overseas.
I refuse to let me disperse around. If you really touched me I prefer to be cremated and thrown into the sea. And then call him eternal rest!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Manga With Deep Throat


Who says when you touch the bottom you can not help but go back? Maybe it depends on how you hit the ground. If you go down slowly, slowly, you have the bones hi, if you stay where you are come down suddenly.
I'm trying to roll up our sleeves and as everyone who has many projects in mind and little time and money to implement them, are sometimes taken by moments of discouragement. I feel failure, inept, useless, a loser. Soon after I realize that it is only a problem of low self-esteem.
A friend of mine, or alleged, suggested I go to a psychotherapist. He says it's a holy hand for the soul. I do not know. Meanwhile, it costs a damn. Again, money is the pivot on which the world works. It's not that then I can see us in front of someone blathering. I open my appearance before that year and that most people never will. It is nice to know that you hear just because you pay. And perhaps the only reason he does it.
I realized that almost everyone is talking about themselves, but not in the least interested in knowing about you. All eager to tell their own life. I'm not a counselor, do not pay me to listen and then sometimes I could break the boxes.
to write on this blog. I vent, launch anathemas vomiting during the day the things that I have to swallow. I do it for free and in the end, maybe I'll get to the same conclusion to which I would go if I went to a psychotherapist.
I, the history of the people who do not believe it themselves a lot. I believe that it serves always and necessarily a basic scaffold. Then, perhaps, is the blockhead that'll do a spider hole and some people are smart enough to build something.
My scaffold is weak as the foundation of my house. Or rather, my platform is more like a rickety stool than a structure. Scaffolding and pedigree are needed. Otherwise it will not go anywhere.
I have not got the pedigree, descendant of an old breed of mongrels. Of mongrels are said to be more intelligent than purebred dogs, but dogs can also enter the race in the good clothes shops in the historic center (a famed clothing store in the historic center), the mestizos have to be content to remain tied to the pole. Have you ever seen one with those hideous paintings of hunting scenes with mongrels chasing prey? They are all greyhounds, beagles, if anything, some Cirneco of Etna.
Before giving birth to a child should contact the best engineers to design a sound framework and ensure that it can have a good pedigree. E 'key. Do not count as education or good manners. Needless to poke fun.
My friend, or alleged, has a great pedigree and a scaffold to fear. Then he
brain, which is good, and a good deal of initiative and self-esteem. At the end of the day (oh my God, another cliché) if this friend of mine, or alleged, had received a dowry of my scaffolding and also my shepherd pedigree of iblei, now write a blog of her friend, or alleged that, with a better framework and a bassett hound pedigree.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jc Penny Outlet In Ontario Mills Mall

Giants and Dwarfs

news these days and I Gongolo happy because some of my wish has come true.
Start from the most distant: the deputy in charge had to deliver the delegation. It is she, the one that led culture in the city and broke it well written on santino election. Just what the string of pearls around his neck is in any event. The one who loves the environment, but especially his chair. E 'missed another councilor that I was on the boxes. One that has always been foolish, dubious. Jump well, for now, the only one that I really liked and that could give airs and never did. Patience.
Tacciatemi well as unjustified evil, but I can not hide satisfaction.
Then we approach the private staff. Came the big bosses. Confident, a bit 'cocky, but surrounded by an aura of skill and confidence that made pale and irritate those who until a few months ago called themselves "professionals." It did not take long to realize who they were and who the half-stockings silk stockings. Someone is still trying to raise the crest, tries to raise its voice, to express his disappointment and point to a mutiny. It 's so arrogant to think that now is the new that will have to adapt to the old. Did not understand that old, here, will not remain anything. Indeed, soon, will not anyone. Me included.
I regret that there is also a half-way I see it would be better to sink the enemy clung to a lifebuoy. I do not have, I think, but swim well enough to stay afloat until needed. Internally cry: I told, I told, I'd say. Then I too will disappear under water and who we have seen we have seen.
We had a boss who had his own reason. In the sense that you wondered why he was the boss. To tell the truth here inside because there are quite a few '.
is now over. Either we are in the finishing straight. Except that there is no waiting for the winner that will break the tape, but the abyss. I, meanwhile, keep dreaming that my alternative is proven valid, or at least good enough to survive until I embark on another ship, hoping to be more solid and with a crew less idiot.

... But if the desires are just nostalgia or melancholy
's countless other lives,
old friends who met in the street, their
those lost souls, the Stuttering
felt intellectual el' aphasia
of those who questions to understand. But confusing
travel with their parody
dreams with the 'action of leaving,
to wander all his life in the sun
restavan empty shells of words ...
Then later, looking back at that 'relentless pace of travel
lost his memory, his mind distracted
guessed the giant
coarse sense of ancient history
and precision of the human project or
in the world and its illusory limited
felt the cruel loneliness of the nano,
felt the cruel loneliness of the nano
in 'universe exaggerated,
two sides of the coin that's screaming to mind:
by time and sea, weather or sea ,
by time and sea, weather or sea, and sea not long
s' learn anything ...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Toddlers Eyelid Purple And Pink

I know that you know, but just do not know

or better. Tired, disgusted, nauseated by those half socks that until a few weeks ago even begged that he be assigned some work to do and to be reassured that now do not know what the facts are to be returned at the expense of our own I moved a protest.
Result: Should I give the names. Siiiii, never mind! The juice is this. And 'certain that the names do not do now, so you can return to turn a blind eye. In this case, not the ostrich hides its head in the sand, dig in until we find oil or water. At the end
seek a rational explanation for this situation is becoming bogged down as to reveal the age-old question of whether it came first the chicken or the chicken came first. I am not writing to reveal the origins of the universe, a comparison would be quite risky. Today begins
definitely my creativity. In the evening, just a sofa and TV, you need to get busy. And soon, very soon.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Both Penis And Viginia

Obscene Shows Returns

But what a beautiful autumn day ....
I'm back from three days and thought I had stored a great deal of patience before regaining the usual crises of rejection. But no. I thought the new job situation would have given a boost to those responsible for a greater organization. NO MORE. The usual confusion reigns and the usual free-riding. In addition, in these days of vacation, I realized how exciting it is to work for themselves. Do not count the times and disclaimers. It does not matter if it's Saturday or Sunday. E 'and that's gratifying. Although, in my case, it was not a lucrative job. But, who knows, it could become. This gratification, however, has had a devastating effect on what I do: I hate him even more. More is the commitment that I put in what I do on my own, the less esteem for those who would try to organize my official work. The moment is difficult, my idea is not as original as it sounds, but I do not think even just give up without a priori to have tried before.
Then you add the traffic to make the black humor that was gray-gray. I would, in fact, make a big applause to the municipal administration has decided to repair the road right of citizens to return from holiday. Adding to it is true, that the bridge will soon be closed for maintenance work, just to coincide with the opening of schools, then we are really lucky. Even then it must be said, were very intelligent. The streets are one-way, and if these are left from point A to a point B I have to pass through the points C, D and F, make some change, some change of direction and finish in mid-point B. If I want to get to the end I have to redo other inversions, and other side streets to divert the main road and then arrive at your destination. THANK YOU, I like to drive. This is really a nice gift. I also listen to an entire song on the radio without stopping and getting up again half an hour before to get half an hour later. This defies the laws of time and space. How to get there we need to look at so keen mind? Machiavelli, by comparison, is a rookie.
I would also like to thank the town because he decided to become protagonist. Several items of payment notices for things that I paid a bit ', with the boredom of going to the post office, pick up the mail, realize that it is equal to the other six previously sent, go to the office duties, be secure for once again, that they are in order. I like to give advice to those who continue to stress among those who go looking for even sponsored him to do fine art exhibitions, check their water meters, their garbage bills. Investigated, verified, make sure and start to stress, maybe for me, since I already gave and I gave a lot '.
short, round and round are always among the puppets, the puppets and puppeteers.
... Hide distant things: things are drunk with tears ... (Giovanni Pascoli)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Books With Modern Greek Mythology

new notebooks, new diary / calendar, pens, pencils and new tires, even a tempera pencils. So I returned to work. In addition september also a breeze and a cloudy sky. I just forgot the usual post-holiday cd: What Not Guccini. It was not a trauma. And 'if I were not a couple of days. On the other hand I have a head full of stupid ideas zero and time available.
I found the big bosses to meet me. I had almost forgotten now that I'm part of a large group of companies. I'm so happy that every day I think more and more intensely than would be nice to have my own business. A distant relative of mine found a stationery store, a friend of mine has just received two new proposals for work, a friend of mine had a chair Annual close to home, too. All have received some good news. But I keep on dreaming. I am working on my project, difficult to bring me some good news, but I can not do is put all my good will for the rest I trust in the good providence. These days
leave me a world of fun to watch the show: Murder, She Wrote. Now I know every episode by heart. Apart from when the bet is entirely centered on the environment thief Mrs. Fletcher, I never get bored. The idea of \u200b\u200ba woman get older, successful writer who lives in a seaside village in New England, I like it, makes me fly with the fantasy. We add a few short stories of Strout, Olive Kitteridge, for example, and the desire to move to take over. One day I will write a successful book, a work of art will realize, he discovers the egg of Columbus and then I also cottons hair, wear suits of the improbable, put a scarf, paint with red lips and nose ficcherò in fact people like Mrs. Fletcher. Both are closer to fifty than I can think or fear.
Meanwhile, I'm back in my cage, among the usual shouting and I have already spoken on the phone with the usual boring and petulant clients. I have already beaten twice knees on the edge of the drawer and slammed the side of the partition of the desk every time I got up to leave the room. That's because we're four when the space is designed for a maximum of two people. But we are great at rationalizing spaces and elsewhere that do not rationalize anything.
I miss the couch, the buzz fan, my afternoon chores, I miss the exit without a fixed time and a half. I miss breakfast at home, in the early morning, my bowl of frosted cornflakes and milk, I miss the ice cream and popsicles in the evening after dinner.
Meanwhile, I broke the ice (oh my God how I hate cliches), I'll see tomorrow how to direct my energy.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Simple Toy Boat Homemade

Thoughts loose

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Top Big Boobs On The Way

A cliche I can not stand is: justice always triumphs. False. Sometimes, from the quicksands of human filth, it turns out some evidence of misconduct, promptly other buried by mud. Who wins is always the people who have sat well protected, it does not matter, then what exactly.
While what happened could come something good, because the usual idiots will not be born.
If the filters are always those trapelerà nothing to the proper authorities. I wonder how much I care, in the end we are all condemned to death. What remains to be decided is the date of execution because the sentence has already been given. I admit I'm not ashamed and I felt a sadistic pleasure when I learned that if things remained as they were, some heads would be skipped. I was glad that those heads belonged to those whom I have always complained. So who Duty and pretended to know nothing. Whom It had its own advantage and to turn a blind eye until the gain was left with our heads in the sand. After the pay-off those heads have become uncomfortable. That's why things never change. The solution would be to pull off the guillotine and ... ZAC, many orphans were still neck and head. A trail of blood, but beneficial. Like when we attacked the leeches for bloodletting. Drastic solution, a bit 'disgusting, but a good end. The killing in war becomes lawful. In peace time he is punished and we are not in peacetime.
Too bad I already bought the chips for the performance. And do not tell me that they are evil and heartless. Try to spend thirteen years of your life waiting for things to make the right turn and the guilty pay, I assure you that you would be right to pull the rope of the guillotine. Meanwhile
aspect holidays, as ever this year I have waited with longing. I have taken the desire to feel free, no timetables, no thing to do by force, no rules I do not like to follow, no faces that are unpleasant to me to bear. And then I start my project. It will be a hole in the water for sure, but it will be a nice flop. It 's a direction that I chose this time to take personally. At the very least just a dream dies. Here are accustomed.

Friday, June 18, 2010

How To Prepare For A Big Drinking Session


ACT OF JOINTS 20/05/2010 No 207 (Excerpt)
Full text published

- on 18/03/2010 reached by the plan called "detailed plan of public initiative" Park Cesanelli " Adopted version 2009 under Articles. 4:30 LR Urb N. 34/92 "broadcast by the city of Senigallia letter prot. No 14292 on the same date, recorded at ns. prot. No 26255 of 23/03/2010;
- implementing the plan in question was adopted by resolution of the City Council Senigallia No 21 of 03/02/2010;
- the variant of the detailed plan, initiative public, called "Park Cesanelli", is a new definition of standards as technical implementation of the plan, new rules for the implementation of the inner compartments and a new organization of the road network
VISA reported in the deliberation of the adoption of the above mentioned which, in particular, has certified that the transaction will not include alternatives to the current PRG under subsequent amendments LR 34/92 and therefore are not subject to Strategic Environmental Assessment, pursuant to paragraph 8, letter n) of paragraph 1.3, "Scope" Guidelines for Environmental Assessment, approved by resolution of the Regional No 1400 of 20/10/2008;
WHEREAS, by letter prot. No 26737 of 24/03/2010, kept a strict account of what was held in municipal adoption decree, the Provincial Administration, as the competent authority in the field of SEA - pursuant to paragraph 1 letter b) of Art. 19 LR 12 June 2007 No 6 - took note of these statements and decided to share the aforesaid exclusion on the basis of the elements identified in the 'Municipal Administration in accordance with section 8 letters. n) of paragraph 1.3, "Scope" of the above guidelines, the VISTA
ns. letter prot. No 33984 of 19/04/2010 by which it informed the suspension of proceedings for the acquisition integrations, particularly by requiring the City wanted to make a copy or extract of the arrangement of the project area interessta variant approved by the City Council with Resolution No. 70, 21/09/2000 and as a prerequisite for the reactivation of the proceedings referred to in paragraph 3 of art. 1 LR 34/2005;
acknowledging that on 26.4.2010 was received by the Municipality of Senigallia letter prot. No 21449 of 23/04/2010, ns. prot. No 37187 of 27/04/2010, the additional documentation required;
GIVEN that the County, pursuant to art. 30 paragraph 3 of the LR 34/92 as amended by art. 1 LR 34/2005, within 60 days following the date of receipt of the documentation, and that may make observations in this case that period expires, taking into account the period of suspension of the period commencing on 24/05/2010;
WHEREAS, following the investigation carried out by the instructor surveyor Dr. Daniel Griolucci natural beauties of man and supervision of the Planning Service, showed the need to comment on the implementation plan in question;
- the deliberation of the Provincial Council No 87 of 07/11/2005 supplementing the existing Regulation on discipline procedures relating to adoption of acts and for duties jurisdiction of the provincial administration with regard to the specific procedure for the formulation of comments on local implementation plans;
- art. 1 LR 34/2005, which amended Art. 30 LR 34/92;
NOTES that the proposal does not need to seek the opinion of regularity accounts, is not emphasized in the proposal directly or indirectly, any aspect that's present financial, economic or accounting


1.) to make the following observation to the implementation plan submitted by the City of Senigallia letter prot. No 14292 of 18/03/2010, which was received on the same day and recorded the factory. prot. No 26255 of 23/03/2010, subsequently integrated in our date 26/04/2010. prot. 27/04/2010 n.37187 consisting of a plan called "detailed plan of public initiative Cesanelli Park" Adoption variant 2009 under Articles. 4:30 LR Urb N. 34/92:
"In order to cooperate and participate in defining project showed the need to comment on some aspects of the documentation provided by the analysis found.
Given that this project is a variation to a pre-existing implementation plan, has highlighted the need to consider together the master plan approved by City Council Resolution No. 70 of 21.09.2000. The comparison
the two urban projects, that is approved and the time variation, there are two solutions planovolumetriche different, especially with regard to building sites and the different arrangement of the internal roads.
The implementation plan has a total extension of over 10 hectares, a condition that places it among the cases included in Annex B2, paragraph 5, letter b) LR 7 / 2004 "Regulations on the procedure of environmental impact assessment", which thus operates subject to EIA
Therefore, given that the current master plan is approved before the entry into force of Law on EIA (LR 7 / 04) and therefore was not subject to assessment Environmental Impact, is necessary before approval of this variation, to determine the nature of it, in order to verify the substantiality, by using, as a yardstick of the contents of paragraph 1.4 of the "General Guidelines for 'implementation of the Regional Law on EIA (DGR 1600/2004).
If a declaration of substantiality of the variant would be to determine the condition of suspension of the intervention to EIA, with the eventual direct result of submission of the plan to the Strategic Environmental Assessment process in accordance with paragraph 1.3.1 letter a) Regional Guidelines, approved by DGR 1400/2008.
2.) Communicate this observation to the town of Senigallia under and for the purposes of art. 30, paragraph 3, of Regional Law 34/92, as amended by art. 1 LR 34/2005, which states that "The City approves the plans on time motivating the observations made by the Province ... Omission.."
3.) Invite the municipality of Senigallia to transmit to the Province and the Region copy of the resolution approving the implementation plan in question within ninety days of approval thereof, pursuant to art. 30, paragraph 5, of LR 34/92, as amended by art. 1 LR 34/2005. (...) The Board

As shown above
the investigation document issued on 14/05/2010 by the Planning Service of the Department III of the Territory Government;
Considered to share the document for the reasons given and therefore can take up the proposal under consideration;
Since the same reported a favorable opinion of regular technical office concerned;
By unanimous vote and acting in blatant

1.) to make the following observation to the implementation plan submitted by the City of Senigallia letter prot. No 14292 of 18/03/2010, which was received on the same day and recorded the factory. prot. No 26255 of 23/03/2010, then integrated ns on 26/04/2010. prot. 27/04/2010 n.37187 consisting of a plan called "detailed plan of public initiative Cesanelli Park" Adoption variant 2009 under Articles. 4:30 LR Urb N. 34/92:
"In order to cooperate and participate in defining project showed the need to comment on some aspects of the documentation provided by the analysis found.
Given that this project is a variation to a pre-existing implementation plan, has highlighted the need to consider together the master plan approved by City Council Resolution No. 70 of 21.09.2000.
The comparison of the two urban projects, that is, one approved and the time variation, there are two solutions planovolumetriche different, especially with regard to building sites and the different arrangement of the internal roads.
The implementation plan has a total extension of over 10 hectares, a condition that places it among the cases included in Annex B2, paragraph 5, letter b) LR 7 / 2004 "Regulations on the procedure of environmental impact assessment", which thus operates subject to EIA
Therefore, given that the current master plan is approved before the entry into force of Law on EIA (LR 7 / 04) and therefore was not subject to Environmental Impact Assessment, is necessary before approval of this variation, to determine the nature of it, in order to verify the substantiality, by using, as a yardstick of the contents of paragraph 1.4 of the "General Guidelines for the implementation of the Law Regional EIA (DGR 1600/2004).
If a declaration of substantiality of the variant would be to determine the condition of suspension of the intervention to EIA, with the eventual direct result of submission of the plan to the Strategic Environmental Assessment process in accordance with paragraph 1.3.1 letter a) Regional Guidelines, approved by DGR 1400/2008.
2.) Communicate this observation to the town of Senigallia under and for the purposes of art. 30, paragraph 3, of Regional Law 34/92, as amended by art. 1 LR 34/2005, which states that "The City approves the plans on time motivating the observations made by the Province ... Omission.."
3.) Invite the municipality of Senigallia to transmit to the Province and the Region copy of the resolution approving the implementation plan in question within ninety days of approval thereof, pursuant to art. 30, paragraph 5, of LR 34/92, as amended by art. 1 LR 34/2005. (...).

Monday, February 8, 2010

When To Stop Shaving Before A Brazilian Wax


Committee pro Cesanelli

and not just in the local press of 7/2/2010, is given the news that the City Council would have planned, "the opening of Via Brandani and Zuccari, roads with only one exit to the state."
The announcement was made during the meeting of 5/2/2010 held in the district, and was reported in the press without adding further details. That tract
Brandani Zuccari and is an area in which they were made the "residences of the park" and that is in a state of deterioration due to some buildings and raised very close to each other.
Faced with this tangle of houses, citizens divided: some have issued positive comments while others, such as Vice Mayor, admitted during a meeting with the Committee, who over the Zuccari is an example of how not to be carried out the building work. He
, in the assembly district, argued that the creation of the park goes as planned, because, in his view, "we have not decided anything new."
Yet something new is evident. The volumes provided in the Plan of the Park were scattered over an area of \u200b\u200b15,000 square meters upstream of that tangle of houses, with a resolution of 2009, which is allowing the City to collect more than three million euro, following the real estate development of an area acquired to create the park.
Also new: the "residences of the park" will face no more than the park, but other houses.
Again, in a recent variant, sub builders will be trained by a new method, which results in a lower final extension for the Park, compared to the previous procedure for selling.
The latest news to report, and many others are left out, is this: the opening of Via Via Fratelli Brandani and Zuccari.
Looking at the table 5 attached to the detailed plan of the park, seems to understand that the viability of the puzzle should be solved with the setback ahead of the bike path, and with a new internal road parallel to highway 16, located where the path now goes, and on which traffic will flow to and from street to street and Brandani and Zuccari, to connect them from the Piazzale Michelangelo, through an alley surrounded by new homes that will be built after the auction of 15 thousand square meters of land acquired for municipal build the park.
will be difficult to pass cars in the narrow, with trees, with more or less makeshift parking lots, fences and close together, which today is the connection between street and street Brandani Zuccari and the bike path.
The residences of the park will become residences overlooking a narrow two-lane ramp, or will be demolished and some plants provision is one way?
We should fear expropriation? We want to avert this danger, even if we imagine that for many this may be a necessary evil, especially when it is not interested in the home. Alderman
The question we ask is the environment: how to solve the puzzle of the road and street of Via F.lli Zuccari Brandani?
With one-way streets, with tree felling or maybe a helicopter landing flush side to enable everyone to get on the road?
In our opinion the best solution would be not to expropriate and the two roads open to traffic from the inside and leave in peace those who live in the area where there are the "homes the park, "so as not to devastate the situation further.
The new road parallel to highway 16 can connect to the Piazzale Michelangelo without those two markets, close together and narrow, which are Brandani Via Via and Zuccari.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Skin Cancer Worry Ear


- Pro Cesanelli by the Committee and not only
Thanks for civic engagement of those who want to understand what will be the "Park" of Cesanelli, was published in the website: an excerpt from the documentation variant of the municipal master plan of the "Park", which is on the agenda for adoption.
Many municipalities publish online the draft resolutions and updated with documents and not with proclamations on handling the most important processes that affect the community, but this kind of transparency is lacking in Senigallia, so suffers the democratic participation of those who would like to see the cards before the adoption of the resolutions, but City can not do so, and be content of the commercials and the "Plan" of the green. But we
analysis of the proposed variant. In "Park", already reduced after the recent development of a portion of a building purposes, does not appear the school campus, but its appearance may occur after the elections, with another variant, because several members of the majority have publicly expressed the 'intention to make proposals to that effect.
Perhaps this is not the time to show that removing another piece of "Park."
Another variant, which affects, is the message that the City actually addressed to himself, for not being able to acquire all the private areas, if not 28%.
Yet the Administration had promised in 2009 to start work on the "Park".
E 'an admission of liability, that because the City had the power to execute the office of the master plan and acquire the areas, with a variation providing for the execution of office, but has not done so, in these twenty years of the implementation phase of the detailed plan for the "Park". The City is
was rather fast when it came to finding space for building expansion and to make cash, with the use of land and real estate development in areas that had been acquired for the "Park".
Nationals still owners of the areas to be divested in order to achieve the Park was also given a supply more advantageous than that which you are subject to those who have already sold their land to the Municipality.
This difference in treatment between those who survived and who did not accept the initial rules is unfair and penalizes citizens and territory, and not justified by the alleged complexity of the procedures and their supposed inadequacy.
Until now the rules are these, in a nutshell: the transfer of agricultural land to the City for the "Park" means the compensation and restitution to the private 15% of its surface, such as building, in areas to the edge of the "Park", in addition to the sale the City of areas for sub-urbanization, with the option of paying the trattanerle cd. "Monetization" to the City. An assignment
little benefit to individuals, but still better than the € 1.60 for citizens who have pending disputes with Autostrade SpA.
Expropriation is a sacrifice for all, it is said spesso.Invece promises, thanks to the variant, a discipline more favorable: the calculation of areas to be allocated to the City as an urban standards, 85% to be sold to the "Park" and the building area will be greater for private and will not be paid the "monetization".
So you unlock the acquisition of the areas, or give room for other demands of an even better?
We propose that in the absence of agreement for the sale of the Common areas, the latter shall ex officio expropriation, so that the "Park" is made in reasonable time.
We want an amendment or a comment ex art.30 lr 34/92, to be precise.
Other pieces of "Park" go away, with the variant, also close to the ditch of Justice, with new and additional buildings. The future may see
sacrificing other parts of the "Park", to reduce it to an giardino.Siamo tired of promises, and if this is the variant to achieve the "Park", we will have to wait more years, then to have a garden, such as the Peace that park is not.